How Do You Get Up From An All Time Low?

Here you go, Ny. This should help
Lol thanks guys :p
frapdoodle, it's someone elses turn to get some good luck, hopefully you're next :)
As promised here's a pic of the tank, now I know it looks a bit pathetic at the moment but I don't know what I want to do scape wise. The branch I had is too small now too, unless I suspend it from the brackets with fishing line-that actually would look awesome. 
I purposefully only filled half the water, to ensure the tanks holding water, can never be sure with a 2nd hand 1.

Just checked the stats and they are spot on, thank goodness.
Stock wise I have:
4 x c.elegans
4 x c.panda
3 x c.bronze
2 x c.melini
They are in there even though it looks empty! Moving my gold ram into there too, getting him a female on friday and that will be me stocked I think.
I need to get some more substrate the cories just shuffle the plants out the sand. Hence why I was thinking of a hardscape but the ram needs plants!
pics of the inhabitants 



Forgot I have 3 long fin peppers too lol
You meany!! Fancy forgetting your fish!!
Could you settle for some more pebbles arranged around the base of the plants? That can look good too :)
Lovely looking tank!! Depending on filtration... I would still personally be tempted for a shoal of small somethings higher in the tank! Like small rainbows (pseudomugil species) or microrasboras or celestial pearl danios etc.... just for the movement!
It might good to add some java fern glued to a bit of slate, with a bit of sand brushed over the slate to blend it.  I did this and my cories don't bother those plants.  Other plants a bit, but what are you going to do?  They are too cute to be angry with.
Good idea on the Java Fern! :)
I love tanks with just Java Fern (several species) and different species of Anubias like Hastafolia, Coffeefolia, Congensis, Barteri, Barteri var. nana and Barteri. var nana bonsai (though too small and fiddly to bother with sometimes :p )
I just don't know to be honest, when I bought my ram, I was told by the woman that they are very aggressive, territorial and don't do well in a community. He was in with my guppies until they sold and he was absolutely fine. I am going to get a female for him so he has some company. He digs along the sand with the cories lol. 
You know what I really love? ember tetras! but I already have a gold coloured fish. I love platinum tetras too but I could never keep them alive. 
I just don't know!
Rams are generally fine, you were lucky with the guppies as they can be hit and miss with fins but mostly I find the only fish they bother are the ones too stupid or slow to swim away like fighters etc. Fast moving little tetras etc are ok :)
Small rainbows like the pseudomugil species or popondetta/forktail rainbows would look great as they live higher up in the tank, you just want to be a little careful of tetras that swim really low in the tank like Embers as they will be in constant contact with the rams.
How about a species of rasbora, they all tend to shoal higher up, copper harlequins are lovely :)
Oooh!! Pencil fish, they live higher up and are beautiful and not so unusual they would be hard to find!
Beckfords Pencil Fish are generally easy to find!
omg look at those colours! MBOU stop giving me ideas! I thought I was stocked with the rams and the cories so I ordered another filter, it's a huge all ponds solutions one, 1200L/ hour for the bargain price of £25! I thought that that filter, teamed with my aquael power filter which does 600L/h should be ok to cope with a shoal of something shouldn't it?
Forgot to add, I had harlequins before and had to rehome them as they got bullied off my guppies! I am not a big fan of rainbow fish I don't know why. 
I do like the purple tetras but I can never keep tetras alive so will stay away from them! Rasboras are stunning but pricey. I want a low maintenence, reasonably priced, small shoaling fish which is colourful!
To be honest, yes! Its mainly a maintenance thing because this whole 'inches per gallon' rule is rubbish... you have a lot of happy bottom dwelling fish and lots of open space at the top and so whatever you add shoal wise, you wont be over crowding so long as the live higher up.
So long as you control you water parameters, you will be fine to stock heavier than that! Its not just about overcrowding, its water quality and knowing your species temperaments and personalities which is something you learn with time and...well... experience! If you add more fish and find your nitrates creep up, do bigger regular water changes!
I had a 260L tank that was seriously heavily planted but I also had about 100 fish in there and running off just a 405 canister. But I also had the benefit of lots of plants and a 50% weekly water change (that actually could have been done once a month but the plants tint the water green and I hated that :p ). I also had fish that wouldn't normally live together but because of the tank layout and heavy planting, the fish rarely ever came into contact with each other! I had a fighter, breeding pair of kribensis, trio of croaking gouramis, pair of honey gouramis, pair of pearl gouramis, a shoal of cardinals, a shoal of rummynose, a shoal of chela (bit like a cross between danios and hatchets that live near the surface) and a shoal of male cherry barbs and about 10 corydoras.
Was an obscene amount of fish really but at any one time, you couldn't count more than 20-30 because of all the plants, the water was spot on perfect all the time, even when a work experience student cleaned filter under the tap, there was barely a blip in the readings.
The Siamese fighter kicked the female krib out the cave and it lived in the cave with the male krib (weird huh!?) and everything else just got on fine! But I had cories at the bottom, kribs had a cave to one side of the tank (so if they got territorial, they guarded a corner, not the entire tank!) and I planted what was effectively a shield around the kribs cave entrance to discourage tetras getting too close by accident. Cherry barbs live in the plants without coming out much, cardinals shoaled loosely in and out the plants at mid/bottom level and rummynose just above them with chela and pearl gouramis at the top and croaking and honey gouramis in and out the plants mid/top level.
Everything I added, I planned for their personalities and adapted tank as needed :)
Its not difficult to work out if you avoid species that just love to irritate the heck out of everything else... like guppies, dwarf gouramis, sharks, yoyo loaches etc.
I have my "main" fish which will be my pair of rams. I am not wanting anything else at the bottom, I still have a group of 6 schultzei coming too but the bronze are going back to the group they came from. 
I will put 2 pics up, this is after rearranging a few things then before and after the black background.


The rams in the above pic somewhere lol. He is such a pretty boy. 
I will get him a female and then see what else. 
I forgot to say I also have a fluval roma coming next week :D :D :D super excited!
MBOU said:
Rams are generally fine, you were lucky with the guppies as they can be hit and miss with fins but mostly I find the only fish they bother are the ones too stupid or slow to swim away like fighters etc. Fast moving little tetras etc are ok

Small rainbows like the pseudomugil species or popondetta/forktail rainbows would look great as they live higher up in the tank, you just want to be a little careful of tetras that swim really low in the tank like Embers as they will be in constant contact with the rams.
How about a species of rasbora, they all tend to shoal higher up, copper harlequins are lovely

Oooh!! Pencil fish, they live higher up and are beautiful and not so unusual they would be hard to find!
Beckfords Pencil Fish are generally easy to find!
I'd agree with that... My Bolivian Ram chases away the rasboras and tetras but leaves my cories completely alone.  I think its funny that he protects the shrimp pellets I feed from the shoaling fish, but he'll eat off the same one as the cories without a tinge of aggression.
And he doesn't really hurt them, just lets them know that that food is his.  He gives them a quick chase - they swim away and he goes back to feeding.  And its only around feeding time that this behavior happens.
Tank's looking good... lovely and bright and amazony...

Are those shells Ok in there? Don't they dissolve and raise the water's pH? Is it Mussel shells, are they they made of the same stuff as normal sea shells?
Thanks, I need to put more sand in. I just think it looks very bland. 
My PH has been stable at 6.4 even with the shells in.
You say bland, I say minimalist!

How do you rate the allpondsolutions stuff? Thinking about getting one of their 200/250L tanks...

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