How Do You Feed Your Fish?


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2003
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I was wondering, how do you guys feed your fish/invert's?
Currently I have a turnover of about 29x+, so whenever I put in any flakes, fronzen brine shrimps, the things go flying EVERYWHERE, most eventually being sucked up into one of my filters...

Is it best to turn off the powerheads whenever i'm feeding the fish and inverts? or is there another way???
my fish like the thrill of the chase, makes the food seem more alive too so they go chasing after it :D fun to watch so leasve them on !
I tend to turn off my wavebox to prevent the food getting to really inaccessible places. I don't turn off the powerheads or sump return pump. I often feed into the weir of the fuge allowing the food to flow down into the main tank.

Most fish are designed for pulling the food out of the current, so they will be used to it.
i leave them on too. for feeding the corals etc i have a turkey baster that i use to squirt a mixture of shrimp pieces, flakes etc right near the coral so every passes over it. they usually grab a piece or two. for the bubbles and hammers etc that can be all tight together, i use a pair of multi purpose tongs to place the piece of food within reach of the corals mouth. this method can also work for other corals as well.

as for the fish, as mentioned already, they seem to have no issues catching the food in the current :)
Im currently turning mine off. Both filter and powerhead, Adding food , the clown eats it while its sinking and the stuff that reaches the sand gets eaten by my scooter Blenny and shrimp. I do this as my fish have only been with me a few days and getting them to eat has been a real issue. The Blenny was so thin when he came so I'm trying to fatten him up with 3 meals a day and it seems to be working. I switch the powerhead back on after 10 mins, this lifts any uneaten food of the sand and gives the clown a second go pluss all clean up crew. The filter goes on after another 10 mins sucking anything that is left into the sump at the back of the tank, and feeding any little pods/critters that are living in there. Seems to be working ok so I will stick with it for now until the blenny has fattened up a little :)
My fish work for there food! Its kind of like us trying to catch a cheeseburger in a tornado!
Yes, def on, agree that it makes the food seem more alive and gives the fish a little more natural environment to feed in, as the ocean current doesn't just stop when its feeding time :lol: :lol:

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