How Do You Clean Your Filter

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Something smells humany
Jul 4, 2006
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Victoria Australia
I have a Eheim 2213 that is due for a clean and I was wondering how to clean the filter media, pads etc without buggering up your bacteria colonies in it...???

I could really use some advice...
Use old tank water, or dechlorinated water to rinse the media & pads. I have a home made strainer for dealing with the bio media, it's a cut off plastic milk carton with half a dozen holes drilled in the bottom. Just put the bio media in there, and swish it around while it's submerged in the bucket. Pull it out, it drains, then add it back to the filter.
So if I grab a bucket of water declorinate it then rinse my media in it it should be safe??....that should be easy...(I'll bugger it up knowing me...)
Half the time I'll do fresh water with dechlor added, the other half used tank water. It depends what I'm doing at the time, either way works the same.
I always wash my filter media in cannister tank water, I filter the contents through a thin bit of white polywool sheet. then clean the media in that. i then filter again through polywool and return the water, add the media and reseal the cannister. this way all or most of the bacteria is returned to the cannister, and therefore the tank system. works for me.

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