how do some people get jobs


Fish Addict
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Australia, Wollongong
i went to an lfs that i dont go to to often.

i wanted to get some corys as my lfs doesnt stock to many of them.
I went to the tank, and a young guy (about 15) came over and asked what i wanted.
I said i wanted 2 panda cories and 2 julii cories.
He caught the 2 panda cories and pu them in the bag, then turned to me and said 'what were the other 2 you wanted?, these blue ones?" proceeding to point at a BLUE DWARF GOURAMI!!!

i said no and he got the right ones thne on the way back to the register to pay for them, he said to me "what were these fish called again??"

it really makes me wonder how these people get these jobs
wow, they should kick out one of the employees and give ME thejob :D i would gladly take it and customers wouldn't be coming back with dead fish becuase of incompatibilty and igorance on the employee's part :D

*applies to her local LFS*

i wonder if putting "have extensive knowledge on fish" will hlpe :huh:
it's sad.

Many people just get jobs at lfs's becuase their parents or family members run the store, it really annoys me when they try give me adive that is totally wrong!
Doggfather said:
it's sad.

Many people just get jobs at lfs's becuase their parents or family members run the store, it really annoys me when they try give me adive that is totally wrong!
You and me both! lol
WheelmanCA19 said:
That and what kind of help do you expect to get for 6-7 bucks an hour?
Unfortunately that's true in a lot of cases.
However, I do believe that if you go to a store that specializes in fish and fish products the staff should at least be able to identify the fish they are selling.
im applying at a lfs... jus found out theyre hiring..

i really want the job..

i know more than the ppl that work there now about fish..

they always ask me questions about the fish im buying..

like.. whats the diff between a male and female krib?

ill have to put in the cover letter that i know tons about all types of fish..

pretty much everything they sell i know enough about to give good advice..

good luck to you thellama!!

from what I've found at my lfs - they won't hire you OR take you on work placement unless they know that you know your stuff. My cousin works there, he keeps 3 tropical and 2 large marine tanks at his home - plus he's been going to them since day 1, so thats how he got hired.

They wouldn't employ me because I'm always sure to ask lots of questions when I go there (mainly to make sure my knowledge is correct and I don't end up making silly mistakes - I may have been keeping fish for a while but I don't pretend to be an expert.

Hopefully I could get a job now since I work for the college animal unit :p
I talked to the owner of my LFS after "donating" my 8" Albino Channel Cat to their pond. I told him I needed a part time job and wanted to work there. He asked me to bring in a resume next week, which I did and a few days later he called me up and I was hired after he asked me a few questions, though it was fairly obvious by my talk with him I knew how to keep fish.

I knew what I was talking about enough on most of the fish I sold but those I didn't, I asked another guy who knows all the information. He does all the ordering and knows his stuff on the fish we sell so there was never bad advice given by us though some people ignored it in favor of more iffy bad advice given by others. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately not enough places do that, especially the chain stores.
um, my fallen
10 gallon
3 Glasscatfish
3 platy fry
2 clown loaches
1 Bristlenose Catfish
1 short finned male betta
is that U.S gallons? becasue if its U.K's 10gallons then tour fish will burst out of the tank. especially 2 clown loaches (12ft)
You know, I'm reminded of the summer I was 17 (or was it 18?) and looking for a job. I applied at a fabric store called JoAnn's fabric and *ON* the application I had to answer about 5-10 BASIC questions regarding crafts and items they sold. I couldn't answer them, and wasn't a bit suprised when no one called me back. ;)

However, I've seen several pet stores/fish stores where their teen staff (and some of their adult staff) knows only that fish live in water...and some of them might need salt. If they'd do more screening of their employees, we'd be in better shape. But then again - as it's been said numerous times on this board, most people who are seriously into Fish Keeping can't afford to live off a job with an LFS. :(

Just a side note: Not all LFS are bad. :) Through exhaustive research (and tons of money on gas!) I've found quite a few LFS in my area where the people are friendly, their stock is pretty decent, and the staff are knowledgeable. I'm sure if you look hard enough, you'll find a decent LFS/LPS near you as well! :D
Becca said:
Just a side note: Not all LFS are bad. :) Through exhaustive research (and tons of money on gas!) I've found quite a few LFS in my area where the people are friendly, their stock is pretty decent, and the staff are knowledgeable. I'm sure if you look hard enough, you'll find a decent LFS/LPS near you as well! :D
the lfs i usally go to is great!!

Im there every saturday getting live worms.

They call me Kel there :D

my_fallen_angel said:
i went to an lfs that i dont go to to often.

i wanted to get some corys as my lfs doesnt stock to many of them.
I went to the tank, and a young guy (about 15) came over and asked what i wanted.
I said i wanted 2 panda cories and 2 julii cories.
He caught the 2 panda cories and pu them in the bag, then turned to me and said 'what were the other 2 you wanted?, these blue ones?" proceeding to point at a BLUE DWARF GOURAMI!!!

i said no and he got the right ones thne on the way back to the register to pay for them, he said to me "what were these fish called again??"

it really makes me wonder how these people get these jobs
Personally, I don't see a real problem in this case. When we just started in the hobby we didn't know everything either. I think this person will be a fine employee eventually. I can only base this on the simple fact that he went out of the way to ask about the fish after making his mistake. It shows an interest or desire that he wants to learn. I am sure it was quite embarrassing to ask the customer what the proper name of the fish was. I give the guy credit and the benefit of the doubt. And I think you should give the kid a break.

It's the people who have bad attitudes or don't show any desire to learn from or correct their mistakes that give fish/pet stores a bad name.

Ruby Shark said:
WheelmanCA19 said:
That and what kind of help do you expect to get for 6-7 bucks an hour?
Unfortunately that's true in a lot of cases.
However, I do believe that if you go to a store that specializes in fish and fish products the staff should at least be able to identify the fish they are selling.
if you want skilled workers you have to pay more.

if someone offered me a job for under 14 an hour I would laugh blatenly in their face.
(that is assuming I would stop my webmaster job or add a real job to it)
but I'm a skilled worker, and never have any problems finding people that will pay me what I want.

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