How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

I just moved a 40-gallon tank. Here was my strategy.

1. Remove all live plants, put them in a plastic bag.
2. Siphon out half the water
3. Net all fishes, put them in a bucket (make sure to cover top of the bucket, and use a new bucket never used for mopping)
4. Also put biological filter media in bucket
5. Siphon remainder of water out
6. Scoop out substrate.

Then you move the whole kit and caboodle.

1. Add substrate
2. Add new water (making sure it's the right temp)
3. Add any live plants
4. Set up filter/heater/light properly
5. Acclimate fish and drop em in.
Hya - I agree with what everyone says but...we moved 13 tanks 6 hrs up the motorway earlier this year. (Yes THE most stressful day of my life). The tanks were half marine and half fresh water. If you really want to do it in the safest way for the fish this is what was reccommended to us. (We actually paid for 2 guys from a lfs to help us - 4 people, 13 tanks, 18 hour day!).

Beg and borrow 25 litre water containers from your lfs
Remove plants
Syphon out half the water
Catch fish and put in bags - ideally as few in each bag as possible depending how long it will take you to move
Syphon out rest of water into containers
Leave gravel in bottom of tank
Store bags of fish in polystyrene containers (again begged) from the lfs

The more original water you can keep the less stress on fish

The only catastrophe we had was going down the motorway the wrong way after stopping at services and not realising for half an hour!

believe it or not the only thing we was lost one coolie loach and that was because we didn't know he was still in the gravel - we didn't lose one coral, anemone nothing.

Hope your move goes ok
Hya - I agree with what everyone says but...we moved 13 tanks 6 hrs up the motorway earlier this year. (Yes THE most stressful day of my life). The tanks were half marine and half fresh water. If you really want to do it in the safest way for the fish this is what was reccommended to us. (We actually paid for 2 guys from a lfs to help us - 4 people, 13 tanks, 18 hour day!).

Beg and borrow 25 litre water containers from your lfs
Remove plants
Syphon out half the water
Catch fish and put in bags - ideally as few in each bag as possible depending how long it will take you to move
Syphon out rest of water into containers
Leave gravel in bottom of tank
Store bags of fish in polystyrene containers (again begged) from the lfs

The more original water you can keep the less stress on fish

The only catastrophe we had was going down the motorway the wrong way after stopping at services and not realising for half an hour!

believe it or not the only thing we was lost one coolie loach and that was because we didn't know he was still in the gravel - we didn't lose one coral, anemone nothing.

Hope your move goes ok

What a mission, well done! And good luck with your move :)
I have had to move my tanks 3 times in the past 4 months :crazy: , and I think I now have the best way of doing it:

1. I empty most of the tank water in 20 litre water bottles. If the tank is not too heavy, I leave the substrate in, and plants are either bagged, or left floating in the remaining water.

2. The fish go in large (mostly high) tupperware type plastics (the buckets with lid suggested seem perfect), in their own tank water.

3. I close off the external filter, but leave all the water in it.

4. This is then all moved to the new house, and plants, substrate, old tank water and equipment put in place.

5. I top up with fresh water (just like a normal water change), and wait until the water gets clear. I then put the fish in.

I do not need to worry about temperatures here, but otherwise the polystyrene box seems perfect. These are being used here to transport fish for more than 7 hours!

Good luck!
Does no one ever read the FAQ topics?

Everything you need to know about moving house right here , buckets are not a good way to move fish, small fish get swished around and bashed into the hard sides of the bucket during the journey. I moved house a week after writing that artical using those exact methods and didnt lose a single fish out of over 80 fish and 14 tanks.

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