Hi. I guess this is my topic to panic about for this week. Always have to have SOMEthing to panic about, I am a mom after all.
Seriously, in about 8 weeks I'll be away from home for 10-12 days. I am not totally sure I trust my niece, even if she DOES have a 45 gallon, to keep my fish alive, even if I pay her. Any ideas? Oh sure there's those "feed your fish for a week" rings at Walmart. I do NOT trust those gizmos. I know I really need to see my daughter in B.C. but I don't want my feesh to starve either.
Ideas anyone?
Thanks for all suggestions. My 5 gallon has a Betta and two Ottos in it, the 10 has 9 guppy males and 3 Corydoras, the 25 has 4 Corydoras, two ottos, 8 glowlights, 5 neon tetras and 4 or 5 blacks, plus 8 guppy females and probably 8 fry that are 3 weeks old. I can't take them with me but I sure don't want to leave if I don't find a way to keep them alive! ANY suggestions are more than welcome.
Thanx! B)

Thanks for all suggestions. My 5 gallon has a Betta and two Ottos in it, the 10 has 9 guppy males and 3 Corydoras, the 25 has 4 Corydoras, two ottos, 8 glowlights, 5 neon tetras and 4 or 5 blacks, plus 8 guppy females and probably 8 fry that are 3 weeks old. I can't take them with me but I sure don't want to leave if I don't find a way to keep them alive! ANY suggestions are more than welcome.
Thanx! B)