How do I keep my fish alive during vacation?


Jun 19, 2004
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NW Ontario, Canada
Hi. I guess this is my topic to panic about for this week. Always have to have SOMEthing to panic about, I am a mom after all. :rolleyes: Seriously, in about 8 weeks I'll be away from home for 10-12 days. I am not totally sure I trust my niece, even if she DOES have a 45 gallon, to keep my fish alive, even if I pay her. Any ideas? Oh sure there's those "feed your fish for a week" rings at Walmart. I do NOT trust those gizmos. I know I really need to see my daughter in B.C. but I don't want my feesh to starve either. :-( Ideas anyone?

Thanks for all suggestions. My 5 gallon has a Betta and two Ottos in it, the 10 has 9 guppy males and 3 Corydoras, the 25 has 4 Corydoras, two ottos, 8 glowlights, 5 neon tetras and 4 or 5 blacks, plus 8 guppy females and probably 8 fry that are 3 weeks old. I can't take them with me but I sure don't want to leave if I don't find a way to keep them alive! ANY suggestions are more than welcome.

Thanx! B)
i never ever let anyone feed my fish, they always overfeed them and i come home to find the tank out of whack with pH and Nitrate etc.
I just tell my housemates not too touch the tank, i dont know if your fish can last as long as your trip though? Im sure some one will tell you.
Maybe ask your niece to feed the fish once or twice only to make sure they at least get something.
I also dont trust those fish feed things either.
Good luck! :sad: :shifty: :kana:
Fish can go for quite a long time without eating. If you can trust her to feed them at least 3 times they'll survive quite well until you return. Do not get the white vacation feeders. Theyre made from plaster, want your fishies to eat plaster? If your worried about over feeding while away you could divide up the food into daily portions. Well I hope this helps.

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