How Do I Breed My Bettas?

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Why do you want all 350 of your fry to grow? All the weak, small, inferior specimens?? Then what? off load them to the LFS where they will stay in tiny cups for weeks on end before they are taken home or die?? sad to say its usually its the latter. even if they do get taken home is usually by some dumbass kid who buys a bottle of tropical flakes to feed it with so they succomb to death sooner or later as well.

Actually, synirr just had a very large spawn and not a one wound up at a pet store. Many of us here got fish from her, myself included. I have 7 females and 1 male, and they're quite healthy and hardy. I'm sure splashluff has considered what she will do with her fish before breeding them.

Regardless of the potential value of your methods, few people if any will want to listen to a person who is as rude and condescending as you have demonstrated yourself to be. Were I your daughter, I would be awfully embarrassed to find my mother behaving in such a manner. As a side note, my fry ignored First Bites. Many others who have bred were also unable to get their fry to eat the product. It is not a "punk ass" thing to say, as you so crassly put it.
I really don't want to get involved in this to any degree, as one of the things I hate about the internet is the amount of flaming on forums.

But...nobody here is god, and nobody here is 100% right. We do what works for us, based (hopefully) on education and experience. Anyone who crosses the line into believing they are the ONLY right...well, you can see what most of us think of that, especially when it is presented in a 'down-your-throat-with-a-pitchfork' forcefulness.

Anyways, I digress...
Most of my bettas will not eat any kind of 'bites'. I feed live, and supplement with BETTA (not tropical) flake. I think it is probably due to the breeders I buy from never feeding pellets. I still try them occasionally, but I have fed most of them to my other fish, lol.

I also try to get the best I can for my fish, and find creative ways of doing things to save expense.
nobody here is god, and nobody here is 100% right. We do what works for us, based (hopefully) on education and experience. Anyone who crosses the line into believing they are the ONLY right...well, you can see what most of us think of that, especially when it is presented in a 'down-your-throat-with-a-pitchfork' forcefulness.

Amen. There are a lot of different ways to raise fish. The correct way is any way that results in happy, healthy animals. I actually enjoy hearing everyone else's methods, and incorporating anything I find interesting or useful into my own fishkeeping regime.
indeed, that was not appropriate to have spoken so rudely and condescendingly to splashstuff (who was being conciliatory and allowing that your experience is different from hers).

$30 for a culture?? are you on crack?? seriously... you have more money than sense thats for sure. Im really surprised that you just didnt have one of your buddies on here send you a culture for postage. you can get em on ebay for a couple bux too.

If infusoria isnt enuff for your fry then its you that is doing something wrong. infusoria needs to be cultured well. if done properly and aged long enuff you can even see the micro organisms swimming around in it. I even get bloodworms in my infusoria thats how rich and nutritious it is. But then again, i have the luxury of being able to culture my infusoria outside in a pondlike setting.

Its ludicris for you to say your fish would ignore first bites.. thats just a punk ass thing to say... you really have no clue....

I agree, live food is best, but BBS?? How natural is feeding salt water crustacean to fresh water fish?? Im pretty sure bbs are not native to the rice paddies of thailand. BBS are also known to wreak havok on swimbladders. Many bettas have died from eating brine shrimp. if you dont get all the cyst's "shells" out of the shrimp you are asking for trouble. is it worth the risk?

she said cultures, implying that she has bought different types on multiple occassions. and one danger of growing infusoria, especially "outside in a pondlike setting", is that you can't be positive that everything living in the infusoria is safe, healthy, and edible. there are many insect larvae and other organisms that actually predate on fish fry; introducing them to your fry tank would be devastating. i do have to concede that BBS aren't really the most nutritious of foods and shouldn't be relied upon exclusively for feeding any purely freshwater fish.

I've been a hobby breeder for about 15 years so i must be doing something right, eh?? My daughter is almost 13 and just had her very first spawn 5 weeks ago, and it WAS a weekend project and she bought everything herself. A 10 gal for breeding/growing out. Shes a teenager that get $7/week for allowance and really doesnt need more than a 10gal. You're being very discouraging, making this seem like it takes SOOOOOO much time and SOOOOOO much money when it really doesnt. it really CAN be a weekend project for anyone. She plans to keep the females in the 10gal and jars cost nothing for the males.

no one said you weren't doing something right, nor did anyone attack your methods. not being a betta breeder, i cannot say whether a 10g is an adequate growout tank or not. but i can say that no breeding event begins and ends on a single weekend. fry require care and maintenance for many weeks, especially for species that do not exhibit extensive brood care. jars also do not "cost nothing" if you do not already have them and not too many people have cheap and ready access to 20+ half-gallon containers at a moment's notice.

Why do you want all 350 of your fry to grow? All the weak, small, inferior specimens?? Then what? off load them to the LFS where they will stay in tiny cups for weeks on end before they are taken home or die?? sad to say its usually its the latter. even if they do get taken home is usually by some dumbass kid who buys a bottle of tropical flakes to feed it with so they succomb to death sooner or later as well.

To insure my fish are the strongest, healthiest and hardiest i rely heavily on natural selection. by coddling your fish you are allowing weak genetics to flourish in the genepool and thats just not good. I have not ONCE had any funky fish with swim bladder disorders, or anything. If i did they would surely be culled and not "put up for adoption".
long and short, not everybody on this board practices culling. in fact, most do not. but this decision is typically regarded as personal, which is why it isn't often discussed. you can rant and rave about weak genes in the pool, but at the end of the day, bettas with congenital deformities don't accidentally get bred and reintroduced to the genetic stream. quite simply put, not everyone is emotionally wired so that they can kill fish that they've babied just because they are less than perfect. its not fair to the beginner breeder not to mention that bettas can spawn into the hundreds and its the breeder's responsibility to figure out how to dispose of all those fish.
splashluff, you make it sound like i am clueless lol..

Well, if the shoe fits.....-_-

$30 for a culture?? are you on crack?? seriously
Have you ever considered that was for multiple cultures, in case one, or more, failed? Most cultures are $5 each, plus shipping..if you don't have the "luxury" of finding a store that actually sells what you need near you.

If infusoria isnt enuff for your fry then its you that is doing something wrong. infusoria needs to be cultured well. if done properly and aged long enuff you can even see the micro organisms swimming around in it. I even get bloodworms in my infusoria thats how rich and nutritious it is. But then again, i have the luxury of being able to culture my infusoria outside in a pondlike setting.

You do realize that not all people do have this "luxury", right? And you do realize not everyone is successful at keeping live plants alive in an they instead use silk plants, right?

And, the infusoria isn't what is causing the bloodworms to "appear"...getting water from a pond is doing that. Mosquito's lay eggs in water, uh duh.

Its ludicris for you to say your fish would ignore first bites.. thats just a punk ass thing to say... you really have no clue....
#1. No you have no manners, and #2. it's plainly obvious you don't have a clue.
That is her opinion and that is her right to feel that way. If she feels her fry would not eat it, why would she try it, only to find out the hard way that they wouldn't?
I hardly doubt a first time spawnee was trying to imply that what she said was the "gospel" truth, it was implied as a feeling, or opinion. Learn to read into what people say, instead of only taking what is said at face value. If you read more and typed could have found out from previous posts about Splashful, her experience, knowledge, and opinions.

And the way you are responding isn't "punk ass" at all, right?

I agree, live food is best, but BBS?? How natural is feeding salt water crustacean to fresh water fish?? Im pretty sure bbs are not native to the rice paddies of thailand. BBS are also known to wreak havok on swimbladders. Many bettas have died from eating brine shrimp. if you dont get all the cyst's "shells" out of the shrimp you are asking for trouble. is it worth the risk?

Do you have any idea just how many people breeding Betta’s on this site alone use BBS and haven't had any of those problems. You criticized Splashful above for saying that her fish would ignore First Bites, yet here you are saying BBS will cause your fry problems.
Hypocrite much?
This is a 2-way street we travel on my dear.

I've been a hobby breeder for about 15 years so i must be doing something right, eh??

That is a matter of opinion, and it's mainly yours. If you have been a "hobby breeder" for so should know by now that what works for one breeder may or may not work for another. It's a give or take hobby. You should also have developed a better "bedside manner" then you have. I'll go with the general consensus and say, it really sucks.

My daughter is almost 13 and just had her very first spawn 5 weeks ago, and it WAS a weekend project and she bought everything herself. A 10 gal for breeding/growing out. Shes a teenager that get $7/week for allowance and really doesnt need more than a 10gal. You're being very discouraging, making this seem like it takes SOOOOOO much time and SOOOOOO much money when it really doesnt. it really CAN be a weekend project for anyone. She plans to keep the females in the 10gal and jars cost nothing for the males.

Really, they cost nothing..hmm. So I guess God decided to open up the heavens and deliver them during a rainstorm then? Because they do cost "something" for alot of people who don't have access to "free" supplies.

And I'd like to know how raising ANY type fish is a weekend project? Last time I checked it took quite some time to raise them to adulthood, or do you have some sort of "magical" fish that grow up in 3 days? Maybe getting them to breed and fertilize eggs takes a weekend, but the process doesn't just stop there.
How ignorant for you to put here, on a board designed to help inexperienced people that they can whip up a batch of fry with no problems over the weekend. 15 years? Are those years formulated by the calculations of your weekend theory?

Why do you want all 350 of your fry to grow? All the weak, small, inferior specimens?? Then what? off load them to the LFS where they will stay in tiny cups for weeks on end before they are taken home or die?? sad to say its usually its the latter. even if they do get taken home is usually by some dumbass kid who buys a bottle of tropical flakes to feed it with so they succomb to death sooner or later as well.

Because it is a personal preference of some breeders (9 out of 10 here) that they don't Cull/kill anything. They give all the fry a chance to grow and develop. If you want to cull your fish, fine whatever. But you should not force your beliefs on another breeder and make them feel BAD for not killing a living creature.

You know, I hardly think you would feel the same way if a poster conceived a deformed child, should they just cull it and try again? All living things created under man's control..deserve a fighting chance at life. You aren't God, you didn't create the life, it's really not your right to take it away, just because you don't think it's a worthwhile life.

Breeder's here don't sell their fish to pet stores they distribute them on this board, for free. Again, if you'd taken the time to read before would know this..there are literally hundreds of posts about it.

To insure my fish are the strongest, healthiest and hardiest i rely heavily on natural selection. by coddling your fish you are allowing weak genetics to flourish in the genepool and thats just not good. I have not ONCE had any funky fish with swim bladder disorders, or anything. If i did they would surely be culled and not "put up for adoption".

This is your right, as a breeder/fishkeeper. What you think is right and/or wrong doesn't apply to everyone here. And I am going to go out on a limb here, and speak for everyone here...

You aren't going to convince anyone here to cull their "unwanted" fish..just because you would deem them "unwanted" they really aren't. There will always be someone here who will want them and take them in, and give them a wonderful home.

You are about the rudest person I've seen grace this board to even take the place of a few that I thought could never be topped.

I agree, I feel sorry for your daughter..I bet she never gets to be "right" or have her own opinions. I'm sure you have enough for more then 1 person, right?
Did she want to do the spawn, or did you force that on her like you try to force your beliefs on us?

But in all seriousness, based on your typing skills and grammer..I highly doubt you have a 13 yr might BE 13 :rolleyes: .
Synirr, what do you do with all those fish? do you sell??

I certainly couldnt raise all those males..

Look what I found...fifteen years of experience and she can't raise a bunch of male bettas? I thought they were putting them in jars. C'mon, this poster can't seriously have been breeding for that long.

SRC, I liked your post and you definatly spoke on my behalf... that poster is very rude.
SRC always says it best :wub: I especially liked this...
All living things created under man's control..deserve a fighting chance at life. You aren't God, you didn't create the life, it's really not your right to take it away, just because you don't think it's a worthwhile life.
Indeed :nod: I feel the same exact way, especially in regards to bettas because the parents aren't naturally together at all times. If you take a male and a female, put them together to endure the breeding process, I do believe that you are ultimately responsible for each and every life. Not one is more valuable than the next. The prettiest fry are no more worthy than the ugliest.

As for BBS...... :lol: Oh my, I've spent many, many, many wasted hours hovering over a hatchery just because I do believe that it is the best food for them.

I feel sort of bad now, the OP had asked me to close this thread yesterday but I didn't know why. Now I wish I had with no questions asked.

Splash, that's a 55. My biggest grow out that I use for spawns with huge numbers. When I fill that tank I'm sort of at a standstill as far as spawns go. I have to empty it before I have another ,so it seems the marbles will have it for quite some time .
Its ludicris for you to say your fish would ignore first bites..
I tried first bites and decapsulated brine eggs on my spawn, and they wouldn't touch anything that wasn't moving until they were 4 weeks old. Their feeding instinct is triggered by movement, period. You're very lucky if you can get young betta fry to eat prepared foods, as the vast majority won't. I sat by the tank and watched the reactions of my fry when I added prepared foods, and until the 4th week they would just eyeball it, then ignore it the second they realised it wasn't alive.

I agree, live food is best, but BBS?? How natural is feeding salt water crustacean to fresh water fish?? Im pretty sure bbs are not native to the rice paddies of thailand. BBS are also known to wreak havok on swimbladders. Many bettas have died from eating brine shrimp. if you dont get all the cyst's "shells" out of the shrimp you are asking for trouble. is it worth the risk?
Hell yes it's worth the risk. BBS are incredibly nutritious, natural or not, and it's the cyst's shells that cause swimbladder problems. I didn't decapsulate my eggs before hatching, though perhaps it would have been safer to do so, but I don't have a single fry out of 200 with swimbladder issues, despite having fed them BBS multiple times every single day for the first 5 weeks of their life (I have two with buoyancy problems, but this is due to them gulping air into their stomachs; their swimbladders are normal.) All you have to do is give the shells time to either sink or rise before collecting the shrimp from the middle of the container. The few shells that do make it into the tank are usually completely ignored by the fry, who will almost always spit them out if they do accidentally take one into their mouths (obviously I'm a nerd who spent hours in front of the tank just watching them feed, lol)

it really CAN be a weekend project for anyone.
...Maybe breeding can be a weekend project, but if you're planning to actually raise the fry to adulthood it takes a little more than weekend, don't ya think? :p

Why do you want all 350 of your fry to grow? All the weak, small, inferior specimens??
My weak, small, inferior specimens take offence to that!! :lol:
Sometimes your smallest, most pathetic fry can grow into your best ones! My fave fry from my spawn was pathetically small at first, but now he's healthy, stong, and gorgeous. I don't have anything against culling, really, but as supersixone said, not a single one of my fry went to a LFS. It just goes to show that you can indeed find good homes for all of them if you're willing to put a little effort into it :). I admit, I'm going to remove eggs from my next spawn because it's going to be CT x plakat and the results won't be too desirable until at least the second generation, but I'll be removing eggs. I don't have the heart to cull fry, especially not once they're old enough for you to tell which are considered "culls". For a while there they're just little robots, but I observed a distinct period in about the 3rd or 4th week when they began to become aware of the world around them... there's no way I could cull them after they've got their own little personalities like that. That's when I consider them to be real living things, and there's no way I could live with myself if I culled some just because they weren't "good enough". I created those lives, you know? Just because they aren't the best, most gorgeous fish of the spawn doesn't mean they don't have as much of a right to live as all the rest.

To insure my fish are the strongest, healthiest and hardiest i rely heavily on natural selection. by coddling your fish you are allowing weak genetics to flourish in the genepool and thats just not good. I have not ONCE had any funky fish with swim bladder disorders, or anything. If i did they would surely be culled and not "put up for adoption".
I agree with that to an extent, as I wouldn't keep a fish around if it had to be constantly medicated and clearly would be unable to live a full life, but the three gimpy fish from my spawn all reached adulthood and are able to live just fine with their disabilities. Like I said, I think of them as individual lives, and if they're willing to fight to survive then I'll be damned if I'm going to put them down just because they're not perfect. I guess that's the difference -- you don't really think of them as living things, but more as projects?

Regardless of the potential value of your methods, few people if any will want to listen to a person who is as rude and condescending as you have demonstrated yourself to be.
Amen to that.

Seriously Sarah Bella, I'm certain your methods are very valid and the "natural selection" you allow in your tanks is something a lot of Thai breeders do, but it's important to understand that there is more than one way to go about doing things, and while each method has its own pros and cons, I don't think any one way is "better" than any other; it just depends on what you're hoping to accomplish. Your methods more resemble those of people who breed on a massive scale and are only interested in keeping the best fish from each spawn, but a lot of people on this forum breed for the love of breeding. We enjoy caring for the babies in the way we think is best and actually like keeping the "culls" around as we see each and every one of them as an individual deserving of life. I enjoyed the challenge of having 200 fry around and then seeing them all go to loving homes. That doesn't make us right and you wrong or vice versa, we are simply different :)
To insure my fish are the strongest, healthiest and hardiest i rely heavily on natural selection. by coddling your fish you are allowing weak genetics to flourish in the genepool and thats just not good. I have not ONCE had any funky fish with swim bladder disorders, or anything. If i did they would surely be culled and not "put up for adoption".

I saw this, and it really pissed me off. This poster's logic was lost the second she mentioned that Synirr adopts adopt her fish out. Why, you ask? Well, for one thing, if you've adopted out your "cull-fish," you aren't breeding them, and thus, are not encouraging lousy genetics. I strongly doubt anyone who adopts malformed or imperfect bettas is going to be breeding, as no breeder with half a brain would buy such animals. The gene pool is staying perfectly allright WITHOUT murdering the fish that you brought into this world under artificial conditons, just for the sake of not having to put the time and effort into a large amount of offspring.
Bah. The rudeness and effrontery of that woman makes me absolutely sick. Friendliest fish forum around? Not while she's here. Yeesh.

I, for one, am greatly looking foward to my worthless, malformed, cull-fish adoption. She will be getting all of the love and care she deserves, even if she ISN'T perfect. :grr:
I don't normally like to do this lol, but I'm gonna repeat myself....

:no: :no: and :no: .

This thread made my eyes hurt...alot.

:*) @ Wuv **stubs toe** aww shucks ;). Check your PM's too I just PM'd you lol.
I, for one, am greatly looking foward to my worthless, malformed, cull-fish adoption. She will be getting all of the love and care she deserves, even if she ISN'T perfect. :grr:
Awww, that makes me even more glad you're the one taking her :wub:. I know she's going to have an excellent home with you :nod:
Oohh,Oohh,Oohhh! I get CT plakats! I get CT plakats! I get CT plakats!!! Plz :D :* :fun:

I must admit to not doing my homework on this one, and I'm sure everyone has carefully read the thread begun by Arrowhead, who I now believe has other problems to address, sadly. Hopefully the lessons learned will prepare her to be an accomplished fishkeeper.

I admire Synirr's dedication to her spawn. These are not just fish for her but pets and individuals.

Still I can in no way fault a person using age old breeding practices like culling. It is the obligation of the husbandman to better the stock. In farming it is called thinning. While a crop is young it is thinned to improve the quality of those remaining. It is more problematic when the product has conciousness. Nevertheless it is not Biblically unheard of or condemned and is actually endorsed. Synirr has thought it through and found the approach she is comfortable with as each must do. Up until now I have gone with "natural selection" in my community tanks, letting that unnatural nature take it's course.

I have only skimmed Sara Bella at this point. Much of what I see is a reasonable personal approach. It seems that something set her off--called a "trigger".

I'm wondering what it was? I thought she may have felt Arrowhead was being "piled on" and disagreed with the advice being given. In any event, Arrowhead has some ways to go before she is ready to breed her fish. She is still learning the effects of bio-load, I believe. I think we as a forum can work to be more gracious to new members and new betta hobbiest showing the ignorance that many of us have experience at various times. :*) It is not always necessary to roughly call attention to ignorance which itself is not a crime. Perhaps she felt protective toward her.

On the other hand, Sara Bella was out of line for an adult and mother. She manhandled and yelled without provocation. She set herself up in a new group to be corrected. I have myself overreacted to challenges in threads, losing the balanced approach and becoming variously aggressive and defensive. It is the hazard we run in human interaction. Perhaps Sara Bella can try again, and we can try to know her. She may have valuable experiences to offer. As I look at some of the thread, it's a little like a bunch of playground moms duking it out over the children's behavior at the jungle gym.

I may myself have to come back and apologize after reading the thread more carefully. I believe fawnmodel is correct, though, that we must guard very actively to avoid flaming. It is very unattractive in the forums and in the members where it is common.

Often a private PM is a better way to address another member where there is this type of disagreement. I would have done well to remember that recently. :*)
Very wonderful post, Jollysue. I am actually a little ashamed with my last post after reading it. I think I took personal offense to it since so many of my bettas - including the one I am soon to be recieving from Synirr - are considerably less than perfect. I understand the value of healthy stock, and the importance of culling, but I didn't like how Synirr was treated for handling imperfect specimins differently. As you have said, however, it would be nice if Sara Bella could become a frequent member of the board once the dust settles, as I'm sure there is plenty to be learned from her methods as well. I suppose sometimes we all get a little cranky, preachy, or ugly when we talk about the things we are passionate about.
I suppose sometimes we all get a little cranky, preachy, or ugly when we talk about the things we are passionate about.
True. And I know it's hard not to defend your beliefs, especially when it comes to culling. I've had people roll their eyes at me for not culling, it was almost degrading. And that was the sense that I picked up from the attitude displayed here.

I went back and re-read, hoping to find something to make a nice comment about, but bleh. There was a lot of ill information being stated as factual and as members you all are entitled to call folks on it. But,alas, everyone is entitled to voice their experiences just the same. Maybe it's the way it was delivered.

I can say this much, the proof is in the fish themselves. I'd be very interested to see some of the males that grew up on that diet/enviroment. Seriously, I'm not being malicious.
Sarah, sorry if I offended you. You're obviously a billion times more experienced than me, so I could not question that your methods work for you! I guess we just have a difference of opinions, that happens.

meh. I've been blasted a bunch lately. I think I'm doing something wrong :shifty:
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