How did you name your pets??????????

Butterfly Betta

Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Just wondering.... I was looking at another forum and noticed something similar.

Thought about starting it here.

I'll start with the pets I have had the longest:

First, 3 1/2 year old multi-colored female Betta called SkyLove. I named her take because I used to really like airplanes. Originally she was just "Sky". But now, I've added to her name cause I love her very much. :wub:

Now for the rest:

A solid black male Husky/wolf cross who has a ribbon like silvery mark running down his spinal cord. He is called Ribbon.

A chestnut Arabian stallion called Aurora. His full name is Arabian Northern Lights. His mother was [she is dead now], from Saudi Arabia and he was born during the Northern Lights. Therefore his name.

Two black Dwarf Hamsters called Queen and King. They act like royality. :rolleyes:

Three black Dwarf Hamster babies [Jackel, Steve, and CutePie]. I can't remember why I named them.
Well, how i named my pets was a mysterie, or rather a varied proccess. When little, i named a yellow-lab dog blacky, gus the hamster..."sippy"the plecko...
but for more recent names, they relate to the look of the animal. Example: Gimpy the goldfish (he is actually physically demented), doug and dinsdale the piranha brothers....

I guess there really is not logic!
Well, at first I called my rat susie but I didn't like it. Then it just became little rat then miss rat. So her name is Ms. Rat.

All of my bettas are just named after their colors like Mr. Butterfly and Mr. Chocolate and Mr Cambodian. I am so clever.

I named my basset hound baxter after the meow mix commercial where the guy answers the phone and the cat's on the other line and he goes. "It's Baxter!"

I named my great dane Belle after the movie Beauty and the Beast.

I named my gecko Jeff :rip: after Jeff Corwin on animal planet.

I named my desert tortoise Mr. Turtle.... just like everything else. I need a female betta so I can have Mrs.
I know this will sound crazy (i'm not usually superstitious) but EVERY ANIMAL I HAVE EVER NAMED FRED, HAS DIED :-( A MOUSE, A BIRD, A FROG, A BUG, A FISH :rip: whenever I get a new pet, my family reminds me, "Don't name the poor thing Fred!" lol..otherwise name it anything you can think of, myy pets naes range from Bandit, and Azreal, my dogs, to Spike, and Goliath my goldfish, Itsy :rip: and Bitsy my male platies.
I have 2 cats and a dog. The oldest cat is pure white with a blue eye and a green eye and is forever talking. The hubby named him Maximum J. Cat, cuz he is the maximum cat (hubby's reasoning not mine). My other cat is a tortise shell with a bit of orange mixed in the black. I got her when she was 4 months old. Hubby brought her home instead of my orange tootsie rolls I had asked him to get me while at the store, so she was named Tootsie (it's also the name of one of my fave Dustin Hoffman movies.) As for the dog he came with the name Charlie. Since he's a Rhodie (they are a shade of brown) I guess it makes sence.

:D My black and white cat was named Mike by my dad. I was six years old at the time, so I guess we just wanted a simple name for him.

:p My chihuahua was named Joey because the night before we got him, the family was watching the movie "Mighty Joe Young." Another reason for his name is because his ears are really fluffy and he looks like a baby kangaroo.

:hyper: The yellow there's a long story. Here's where it all started. My sister and I were at a pet store and we noticed a little lovebird who acted really wild... like tipping his food bowls over and hopping from one side of the cage to ther other. We begged our dad to go and look at this playful lovebird and finally he agreed. My dad loved the bird's bright color (a bright sunshine yellow and a orange brest) and we decided to get him. When the employee reached her hand into the cage, the lovebird bit her really hard. Finally, we brought the bird home and it wasn't people friendly so my dad tamed it. We named the bird Norman after the movie with Norman Bates since this little pet of ours had a split personaly. A few months later, we discivered a egg laying in her cage. We instantly knew it was a famale lovebird and changed her named over to Norma Jeane. My dad's the only person in the family who can handle her because she want to be the center of attention. I mean, even the cat is scared of her! Sometimes, she even chase after me and I have gotton a few hard bits from her sharp beak. That a long story, but there's still one more pet. :crazy:

;) My sister's guinea pig is named Becky Lou, but my dad called her that and I don't know why. I guess it sounded cute for a little piggy like her.

:nod: Oh wait! Almost forgot my fish. I named them anything that goes with their look.
The big blue one, the second to biggest blue one, the middle blue one, the almost smallest one, the smallest blue one. The mother yellow one, the father yellow one, The Yellow tang, the cat fish...
I think you see the pattern here.
i pick out a quality or color in the animal and name it something like that
***my black lab- sassy
***5 tiger barbs
**2 turtles
the list goes on and i wont bore you!! :D
i named only three of my pets. my hamster, i called him john as my boyfriends cousin dies at exactly a year the day i bought him so i named my hamster after him. my cat india, because when i got her from a rescue catery, she would meow constantly unless she had her indian style blanket, and my cocker spaniel called lady as my late aunt, had seen her in the pound a few days before she was bought and said (that dog looks like lady off lady and the tramp.).
My doggy was rescued from Cyprus and we brought him home to england. in cyprus the dried grass and 'countryside' is affectionately called bondu. we figured our wonderful dog was probably abandoned on there, hence his unusual name. I have never seen another dog called Bondu and it suits him down to the ground!

My plcostomus is named Mr. Plecky. how original.

Harleqiun Rasboras are named Harley and Quinn. One boy, and one girl.

3 birds called Pippin as he is always getting into scrapes (canary) Jack (canary) after Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribbean as he looks like a sparrow and a budgie named Baggins. Lord of the Rings fans in our family!

I have a calf named Lancelot (he is white and is a little fighter from birth)

Thats it for unusual pet names.
A name most of animals after Tolkien characters, not obvious ones everone's going to recognize though.

doug and dinsdale the piranha brothers

Just wondering, do you ever have a hedgehog come around asking for Dinsdale?
I name my pets what I feel like at the time ^^

Ginger - hey, I was two years old! I had no originality!
Thomas (RIP) - after Thomas the Tank Engine (yup, I was still young)
Tango - my brother named him, so nothing to do with me

Pika (RIP) - I used to like Pokémon
Rai (RIP) - same as Pika
Madzy (RIP) - we were looking after her for someone...since we only had male pigs we started calling her Little Madam, then that changed to Madzy when the people never came to get her back
Seren - Seren is the Welsh word for star...and she had a little star on her forehead when she was a baby
Trowa - named after a guy in Gundam Wing since the hair reminded me of him
Zinny - named after a friends rol-play character, Zenia

Hopsy (RIP) - my brother named her
Sooty (RIP) - was given to us, had no chance to name her
Hoppy (RIP) - see Sooty
Perry (RIP) - I had the song "Perry Mason" stuck in my head when I bought him
Devi - named after a jhonen Vasquez character
Tenna - see Devi

Tiffen (RIP) - the cat tried to eat when we found her, hence Tiffen
Spotty (RIP) - my brother's again
Kieth (RIP) - named after Kieth Flint from The Prodigy

Jaws (RIP) - we were sad & unoriginal
Jenny (RIP) - named after a girl called Jenny Yellow-Hat from a learn to read series I was doing in school at the time
Sonic (RIP) - named after the ever-popular blue hedgehog
Tails (RIP) - named after Tails the fox

not named my tropicals yet ^^
Babe - at 36 years old, if you've had this name all your life you just get to keep it.
Muldoon - very curly pony was Muldoon as soon as he hit the ground
Poco - freebie spotted pony, name came with and as it is a hard name to say in a mean way - just suits him.

Cats - all strays that have come to stay
EVET - stands for my Equine Veterinarian that helped rescue her from a tree (we used my bra to lasso her). Funny story really...
Toby - abandoned and found during a Toby Keith concert
No Name - has seen here for 1/2 a year (survived whole winter in Alaska on his own) caught him at 50 below and he has thanked me ever since!

Thor - 120 lb black lab named after the god of thunder as he had terrrible gas
Sargent Truffle bottom (Sarge to his friends) ancient, blind, toothless, frostbit little mutt rescued him from middle of the road lived with me for 3 years before he passed away. Named for the terrible condition I found him in - unable to poop due to matts and feces in his hair, rotting matts of hair in his mouth ie loss of all teeth, blind due to matts of hair in his eyes.

Fish: too many to mention - I let the special ed kids name them and of course it varries from kid to kid. My one 3 1/2 inch female sword is the only name that sticks - Dorthy after Elmo's fish on Sesame Street.

That's it folks
let's see, a Florida White rabbit-Milkweed, i was 8
another Florida White, son to Milkweed-Oliver cuz he got out one day and hid the entire time under my dad's Oliver tractor
Mini Rex rabbit(rip)-Cinnamon
Mini Rex, brother to Cinnamon-Pepper
Netherland Dwarf(rip)-Rudi, she was my baby

Hartford street dog-Peanut, for obvious reasons, she's only about five pounds
Lab-Abby, her first name was Baby but my dad hated that one :)
Lab-Jake, the name was cool

Quarter Horse mare-Ivy, she came with it
Quarter Horse(rip), was Ivy's colt-Danny, after Jim Craig's horse in "The Man From Snowy River"
Quarter Horse mare-Dolly, she came with it
Arabian mare-Pandora, i swear she's opened the box a couple times, unfortunately I've been riding her when that happens!
QH/TB mare(rip)-Ginger, she was a sweetheart in the first degree

black/white 18 year old cat-Sassafrass, not quite sure why...
orange tiger-Marmalade, it was either that or my bro's suggestion of Whizbang
gray/white tiger-Yoda, after her huuuuge ears

*memo, i can never name another animal after one who has already died, both rudi and danny i named myself and they both had premature deaths, they are sorely missed* :(

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