How Did You Get Into Fish Keeping ?

Well I got into the hobby in a strange way,

I met this guy in a club and he said he had a large fish in his pocket...

oh no, thats wrong... :huh:

Right, seriously,

I bought some triops from and after researching them I found the tank they came with wasn't big enough, so I bought a fish tank. they were really cool looking, google them if your not sure what they are :) they look like mini horse shoe crabs.

They eventually died and I was left with a tank, so I bought some tropical fish.
As most people do when they start I over stocked my tank, as I was uninformed, and had to buy another tank after finding out I had messed up.

now about 18months down the line I know SO much more about fish, my friends says its scary how much I've picked up in the last 12months on fish, and how obsessed I've become with them.

The bug I spread to my girlfriend who now has 4 goldfish, and my brothers girlfriend who also has a goldfish.

I'm currently up to 8 tanks, and thats ONLY 18months, I hate to think what it'll be like in afew years :)
Ok, you asked for it.....

This is a copy of my Star Letter that was printed in the May edition of Tropical Fish magazine. I have contacted them since because of the ed's response and they want to do an article on tanks latter in the year when i have my fish house up and running :)

Dear Sirs,

Having just read Peter Johnson’s letter in the April 2006 issue, I feel compelled to write to you. I understand the feeling Peter is going through coming back to tropical fish keeping from the cold water. However, having not had a setup since I was 17, I must share in Peter’s feelings of “getting back in to it”.

My first encounter with fish keeping came, as im sure it did with many others, from the goldfish at the fair. This moved on to my father keeping tropical fish. My interest in watching their behaviour at such a young age probably laid the seed for what has become. At 16 years of age I secured myself a job at Keith Barracloughs’ (manufacturer of King British for those not in the know) here in sunny Bradford by the sea. I worked in the fish house and quickly got to learn the species by their common and sceintific names. This invariably led to my 48 x 18 x 18 tank in my bedroom at home. This was your typical community tank with fancy guppies, molly’s platys and tetras. After 2 years, I left KB’s and went on to other jobs, none in the fish business. Then, by chance last November, I met an old friend from school. He showed me his 4ft Malawi tank and the spare tanks in his back garden.

One of these being a well used 60 x 18 x 18 which he had been given after it spent 2 years on someone’s balcony. Needless to say, my friend gave me the tank. It was in a poor state, but after purchasing some chrome edging and some (not so) neat mitring, the tank was restored. Then came the task of finding something to sit it on. Another friend of mine with a fish house where he breeds Discus, Angels and Bristle Nose plecs, had a very rusty and old 3 x 3 steel framed double stand which he no longer used. I duly brought this home, cut it in half, sanded and painted it chrome. (thank god for Hammerite !!) At this point the tank had cost me around £20 in chrome edging and aquarium silicone. I acquired some gravel from the same friend that gave me the tank and a filter came in the shape of an internal Fluval 4. An extra £14 was spent on a heater and tank was filled and cycling (fishless of course). The tank is now powered by an external Fluval 404 and a joiner friend for mine built me a hood for it which completes the tank. It’s a community tank with many livebearers and half beaks along with neon and black tetras and a plethora of Corys.

However, this is not where the story ends. By the power of the internet, I found a wonderful forum. I also found a few LFS’s who had a good stock of many fish. Unfortunately, I now suffer from MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome) and in the short time I have taken the hobby back up I currently stand at 9 tanks all up and stocked. They range from 24” tanks up to 60” and stock everything from Gouramis to Discus. I also have nursery and birthing tanks along with Betta tanks which I have designed special sectioning in to hold 6 males comfortably.

One of the LFS’s I used chose to close his fish house and turn completely to reptiles. As you can guess, I purchased the fish house from him at the princely sum of £300. This includes 23, 24 x 15 x 12 tanks, all the racking, 5 sump tanks, heaters, pumps, nets everything. This currently resides in my back garden awaiting the completion of my animal house. Extreme to say the least, but I can honestly say I have missed fish keeping so much.

Now at 34, I feel that I am competent enough to take care of the fish I have and am able to own many of the fish I could have never owned when I was younger. I also run a fish rescue via the forum I found rescuing unwanted fish. These range from livebearers to the latest rescue last week, which consisted of 1 large Gibby plec, a large common plec. An 8” tin foil barb, a 6” clown loach and a selection of cory’s.

I feel with your magazine, I am kept aware of the many new technologies available that weren’t 17 years ago. I now breed many fish to pay for the upkeep on the many tanks and intend to supply the local LFS’s with stock, which will also help with the upkeep of the fish house. To sum up, I have missed it and am so glad to be back from the very cold. I am feeling the same warmth as you Peter!!
i had a tank when i was 12. which was not so good fish died quite regularly after a year or so i gave the tank away(fish dying and a dirty tank put me off)
Then about 6 months ago(i am now 22) i had weird dreams sometimes of the tank-where i would forget to feed the fish and they would die.very weird. but i just wanted to get another tank
so a month ago i bought a tank and its going well
my dad bought a tank when i was about 7 and but wasn;t really interested in doing all the work and the fish died and the tank just stayed unused form a long time although i liked animals but was too young to handle a 20 gallon on my own. then when i was around 13 i was looking for a video tape in the stash and pulled out a petsmart starter kit video by accident and i just watched it and i starting getting livebearers.
Well it's a bit weird but i can't remember what actually got me into fishkeeping. I can just remember waking up one day and thinking i want to keep fish, then going down to my lfs and buying my first tank.
Mine is quite an...intresting tail....

when i was 10 I yearned so badly for a tank. Mother would not let me have it, despite two of my brothers having it.

Then enter 14. I DO get one. yay. But then, 1/2 a year later, I go on fall break. I left it to my brothers to take care of it, thus nothing was fed in the tank, everything died... or so I was told. 3 1/2 week later, after finally finishing mourning, i clean up the tank to give to someone... lo and behold, a single glowlight who was living trapped in the net in the tank. 3 1/2 weeks. No companions. no food. So, for two years, the lil dude lives in a bug carrier all by himself. (poor dude, right? :-( )
Untill, about a month ago, I just have this dream. The whole dream, I'm just walking around this fish store/aquarium, amazing fish all around me. (At the time, I didn't know what a senegal bichir was, but somehow a fish exactly like them, cept 3 feet, was in tons of the tanks). So I wake up, and immediatly went to pet co, bought a 10 gallon off whim, and badda boom. Learn about cycling, accidentaly overstock my tank (which i'll take care of once I get my 40 gallon) and so forth. It's been fun getting back in ^_^

and yes, somehow, even in the 10 gallon, mr. glowlight is just fine, and has apparently taken leadership over my cardinal/neon tetras... odd, no?
Mine is quite an...intresting tail....

when i was 10 I yearned so badly for a tank. Mother would not let me have it, despite two of my brothers having it.

Then enter 14. I DO get one. yay. But then, 1/2 a year later, I go on fall break. I left it to my brothers to take care of it, thus nothing was fed in the tank, everything died... or so I was told. 3 1/2 week later, after finally finishing mourning, i clean up the tank to give to someone... lo and behold, a single glowlight who was living trapped in the net in the tank. 3 1/2 weeks. No companions. no food. So, for two years, the lil dude lives in a bug carrier all by himself. (poor dude, right? :-( )
Untill, about a month ago, I just have this dream. The whole dream, I'm just walking around this fish store/aquarium, amazing fish all around me. (At the time, I didn't know what a senegal bichir was, but somehow a fish exactly like them, cept 3 feet, was in tons of the tanks). So I wake up, and immediatly went to pet co, bought a 10 gallon off whim, and badda boom. Learn about cycling, accidentaly overstock my tank (which i'll take care of once I get my 40 gallon) and so forth. It's been fun getting back in ^_^

and yes, somehow, even in the 10 gallon, mr. glowlight is just fine, and has apparently taken leadership over my cardinal/neon tetras... odd, no?

/me wipes a tear from his eye

Poor little glowlight, thats the stuff films are made of...

difference between neons and cardinals, neons are smaller and their red stripe does go all the way to the tail find, like cardinals, or do you mean oyu have both?
no no, I mean There are both cardinals and a neon or two in there. (neons cycled the tank. a lot died... sigh... shoulda used 29 cent comet goldfish or something).

And yeah. Hopefully after i get the big tank up, Lil Glow Light will finally get more glow light buddies.
no no, I mean There are both cardinals and a neon or two in there. (neons cycled the tank. a lot died... sigh... shoulda used 29 cent comet goldfish or something).

And yeah. Hopefully after i get the big tank up, Lil Glow Light will finally get more glow light buddies.

/me cheers for the little glow light and his future mates

and just a not
fishless cycles rule :D and they are cheaper, neons aren't as hardy as some shops/people make out ;)

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