How Did You Get Into Fish Keeping ?

my girlfriends dad had a huge tank and he always took me to bigals *our lfs* and 2 christmas's ago my girlfriend bought me a 10 gallon and i fell in love with guppies

then oscars

now weather loaches and pecock eels :)
When I was about 10 I had a goldfish which I won at a fair and after it died I used the tank for a 'indoor- garden' (well, it was the 1970s). I'd always loved my uncle's tropical fish tank, he had beautiful lace gouramis and neons, until he changed the gouramis for angels and they ate all the neons! Then about four years ago we visited my husband's cousin and saw his parrot fish tank, and when my husband suggested we get one of course I was delighted. Hubbie had in mind a very SMALL tank though, while I was trying to persuade him to get a bigger one (we could keep more fish, easier to keep stable, etc) and then we saw a lovely 20 gallon complete set up for sale in an lfs that was selling off loads of stuff before a major refit. So we snapped it up and were away. We've got some nice fish as well as good advice from that same lfs since, too!
well i dont know were to start rearly........ i surpose ive always been intrested in animals fish and so on,i think my grandad got me into fish and i decided to go tropical hehe after many unsuccesful attempts at keeping goldifish in 2-5 gals :/
i got my first real tank about 18 months ago and and ive gone on from there, and now im pritty obsessed, and with tff as well :D
mine is pretty boring, my dad had a 6ft tank for about 2 years when I was little, yet I was the one who looked after it (probably not very successfully, but don't remember very well), i was about 6 when he got it.
WE have always had gold fish and shabumpkins.
When I moved out dad had been given a tank , but decided to up grade so I had it about 6 months later (3ft) fillrd it with various community fish.
Came home from a weekend away to find 40 odd guppy fry, so got a 2 ft sharpish for them, and started to breed properly, then babe, no 2 came, so i gave all the guppies away, apart from a few gorgeous males that were the offspring. And filled the 2ft with more community fish. That was about 4 years ago.
I now have a 35 gallon tank with the community fish and a little tank for pig the fantail and fred the last guppy. I have had a very happy 6 years with my own fish
When I was 8 I pestered my parents for a goldfish, so my dad went out and brought me a complete tropical fish tank set up! Can't remember what happened but eventually all the fish dies and I got another tank when I was about 16. It was 4ft long and I was cleaning outside and it was resting on a very small stone and the whole bottom cracked! :( So, I got a 3ft tank which I had for a while. Now I have 2ft, 3ft and 4ft tanks! I got the 3ft tank about 3 months ago, the 2ft tank about a month ago and the 4ft tank about 2 weeks ago. Maybe I'm getting carried away!
we always had a goldfish bowl when i was kid but it didnt interest me(besides netting them when no one was looking)i was 28 when i got my hands on a 2x1x1 tank and heater off a friend and thought i would try it out.went and got myself a filter and filled it up :) after 2 days i added a few mollies :( and after a few weeks they had fry.after that i was hooked and now i have 4 tanks
quite boring really, my dad always had a tank and a pond, grew up having fish around. moved out of home, didn't have fish for years as I thought it was too much hassle moving tanks from student house to student house. got my own place about 4 yrs ago and my moving in present from my dad was my first tank, 3 footer, had that a yr or so then got a 4 footer, and was quite happy with just those two tanks for ages.... then somehow since I met Ian 5 months ago it's multiplied to 4 tanks, and now he's moving in with his 2 tanks :rolleyes:
I always had a fascination with fish.

I got my mum and dad to buy me a small ClearSeal tank when I was at school (a close freind also kept fish at the time) and I set up a tropical tank. Made the usual mistakes (sorry fish :( ) but eventuallly used to breed Siamese Fighters and sell the offspring back to the LFS.

Went to University... ..gave the tank to my parents who managed to kill all of the fish in a couple of months and then 'dropped out' of the hobby for a number of years!

Fast forward about 12 years, moved to Devon into a much bigger house... ...convinced my wife a fishtank would be nice ( :hey: ) and brought a 70L ClearSeal... ...things went well so upgraded to a Juwel RIO 125!

Today... ...just about to go to the LFS to add the final fish to the tank 2 stunning Angels! :D



PS by the way it is great to have freinds or family who are local and also into fishkeeping... ...makes it even more fun!
I got into fishkeeping through school. They asked us to think of a project which would last a long time, which would challenge our skills. So we bought a small Goldfish bowl, and 2 Goldfish. Within 3 months, I got my first 70l tropical tank, and then a year later I bought my 180l. :) We now have 4 tanks running, ranging from 30-180l.
I use to have a few fish as a kid, my dad mainly looked after the tank and cleaned it. Don't remember the maintenance side of itmuch, was too young.

The tank was up for about 2 - 3 years.

Just recently the barber has a large tank witha mini shark, got me thinking. Was in walmart and was looking at the fish and it got me started on wanting a tank again.
My eldest son (then 10, now nearly 12) kept going on and on about getting an aquarium. I wasn't sure at first, because it was fear of the unknown. My mum has a large pond and my son was always fascinated with that. He has even dug out his own pond at the end of my mum's garden! So rather than discourage his interest I eventually gave in and we bought a small starter aquarium. We made the fatal mistake of overstocking too quickly and soon learnt about new tank syndrome. Since then, nearly 2 years on we have upgraded to a larger tank, had several new fish and have gradually added to and changed the decor and plants. Now we have a stable tank which I think looks good. And of course it happened - my son's interests are now starting to migrate elsewhere, and although he sitll enjoys them alot, I'm the one taking care of our fishy friends. Not that I mind - I have grown extremely fond of our fish.
I asked for a fish tank as a kid after reading about them in the library (I was always a bookworm as a kid) and my parents bought me a second hand tank in the small ads. It cracked (the day we were going on holiday so you can imagine the chaos) so the fish lived in a bucket for a couple of weeks before I got a new and bigger tank. Joined the local fish club, which was a greate source of advice and second hand gear.
Sadly when I moved out I had to give the fish up until I lived somewhere with enough space to start up again (20 years later) when the wife suggested I get a tank. I think she regrets it as she complains I spend more time with the fish than her.

My husbands mate gave us a 20 gallon about 20 years ago. It was so dirty you could not even see the one surviving fish. Got it home and cleaned it up. When we lived in London a friend helped us build a 4x2x2. Over the last 20 years we have moved home twice and had to give up fish keeping but always kept our 4x2x2 (It was in our garage for the last six years) Once we had an extension build the first thing we done got the tank out of the garage. Now we got four tanks altogether and next weekend we are getting a 6'6inchx2x2. Can't wait.

Sabby :D

I got into fish keeping from friends of my family. They had a 55 galon tropical community set-up and i just loved it. Whenever i was round there house i would watch the fish and read the books. Then about 2 years later they lent me one of there spare tanks!!! :D
main reason i bought a tank etc was i think they look really nice in a room after seeing friends tanks. after i got my first tank i really enoyed it and enjoyed watching the fish etc. then started enjoying reading info about certain fish, habitats, diets etc and went from there and now am a bit of a fish geek looking forward to owning a marine tank in the future

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