How Did You Find This Forum?

I found this forum as it was the most popular in google a year and a half ago (and still is).

I am a member of another one though as well which is alot smaller but just as good.
I can't remember how I found it but I was looking for information on some fish I had just bought and I have stuck with it ever since!

I like the fact of how you guys are straight to the point with things and encourage you to put things right!

I found it with a Google search I think. I was a little worried about my RTBS at the time and was looking for some help.

I use it because it's so full of information. I have learnt so much in the time I've been posting on this forum and the more I learn, the more I enjoy fish keeping (like a viscious circle, but in reverse). It's taken me in a direction I had never expected to go with fish keeping and now, largely thanks to the help of other people on the forum, I am about to set up my first marine tank. I'd love to be able to post a before and after shot of my current tank, so you could see how much better it looks now!
In found this on google and its been very informative :lol:
Found it through Google - My fish weren't eating at the time, and I decided to find a forum to ask on instead of reading through lots of web pages. Stuck with it because people are so helpful when I have a question and don't make me feel stupid. :)
I made some superb newb mistakes, then I decided to find out everything I could about my fish. Did a google search and found this and tried to ask some questions then just registered everyone is pretty helpful... sometimes... :D

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