How Did You Find This Forum?

I had a fish tank for years. Then one day I thought I should see if I am doing something wrong because my fish were surviving not thriving.
I googled tropical fish and ended up here.
Found out all the things I was doing wrong and no one got angry…
So I have been lurking here ever since.
Hi, I just wanted to know how you found this forum and why you stuck with it.

My reason is that I decided I might as well do well in fish keeping, I typed in fish forums on google, found this one and registered, after, I didn't bother to find any others because this one is so good :nod:

So tell me how you found this forum and why you stuck with it :hyper:

pretty much the same reason. i was looking for info on fish and i found this forum. I loved that there were so many seperate forums, and experienced fishkeepers from around the world...then i didnt both looking anywhere else!
I googled on in like many of you to get info as total nebie to it all....I stayed cos of the great advice the friendly people and like others said a fair few are from this side of the Atlantic...somthing I didnt see in other forums i looked at :)
I also found it doing a google search because I was on another one but there was hardly any people on their and if you had an emergency it took a few days to get a response. But before I came here I went on another one that I found from a good search but got kicked off for a reason you shall never know. So I came here and just started liking it and the reason I stayed is because all the pet stores in my area are chains and the people don't know anything unlike the people on here do and was able to find Styx and get some female bettas for a very good price.
My plec was sick and I needed help in a hurry. I joined to ask for advice and I'm still here a month later. In fact, the only forums I was on until now were baby boards, we have been together since we were all 6 weeks pregnant (the kids are just over three now) so that's a long time :) I like message boards.
I was looking for help (what a surprise!) before I set up a new tank - figured I might as well do it right this time and that last time was just pure luck!

I stay because everyone is friendly, you get such a range of opinions on everything and when you ask a question you'll always be able to find someone who can answer it well.

Plus, you find that you make friends whilst you here and after spending a day sitting in front of a pc at work, there's nothing better than spending 7 hours at home doing the same....

More or less the same reasons as everybody else :D I tend to research my fish before during and after buying them quite alot and during one of these 'learning session' stumbled onto here, and got sidetracked with all the wonderful info available on here - I stick around and keep coming back because thereis always more and more to read and plenty new posts each day to keep that 'learning' need in me fulfilled ;)
If you look at one of my first posts you'll see why I came on here. I searched for fish and found this forum. I posted that I think I may be a fool and you wonderful people proved me right. I stayed because I feel like I owe a debt, and the best way to pay it back is to post in threads when I know something about the problem being had. I left for a while back when the forum got updated. No particular reason...I just stopped coming on. I can't recall what got me to come back but I'm glad I did. I didn't realize how rusty I had become without reading on here each day. Thanks again to everyone who helped me sort out my horrible newbie mistakes. My tank was so bad people thought I was trolling. LOL
Google search to find info on bettas and I haven't looked back. I don't post much as mostly I've been researchng so far.
Found it doing a search for fish forum. I've only been here a short time, but felt I got really good information as a first time tank owner (still cycling). I like it because I get quick responses to my questions.

I found this forum to be the easiest to navigate. I joined becasue I found the information to be helpful when I first started a new tank also I love to look at photos of others tanks to get ideas for future tanks. I keep coming back since I continually have questions adn like backup or ideas to choose from. Most people on here are kind and have genuine concern about fish keeping as a serious hobby.

Hi, I just wanted to know how you found this forum and why you stuck with it.

My reason is that I decided I might as well do well in fish keeping, I typed in fish forums on google, found this one and registered, after, I didn't bother to find any others because this one is so good :nod:

So tell me how you found this forum and why you stuck with it :hyper:
I think i Googled it! Im still here because the folks are friendly & the advice is good! :thumbs:

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