***Corydora Crazy***
My border collie is highly intelligent,she has upteen different coloured balls and bells,each one is a different colour but if you ask her to get the 'red ball' she'll get it or the blue un,or yellow or pink etc...
She'll shake the right paw when asked,either left or right depending what i ask her...she knows all her commands,can open doors,although hasn't got the knack of shutting them yet
She does loads of things but her downfall are barking!!! especially in the car & at neighbours and trying to bite walking sticks..(dont know why she does this,has shes never had anything raisied at her)
So is your dog batty or clever?
She'll shake the right paw when asked,either left or right depending what i ask her...she knows all her commands,can open doors,although hasn't got the knack of shutting them yet

She does loads of things but her downfall are barking!!! especially in the car & at neighbours and trying to bite walking sticks..(dont know why she does this,has shes never had anything raisied at her)

So is your dog batty or clever?