How Clever Is Your Dog?

Is your dog batty or clever?

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***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
My border collie is highly intelligent,she has upteen different coloured balls and bells,each one is a different colour but if you ask her to get the 'red ball' she'll get it or the blue un,or yellow or pink etc...

She'll shake the right paw when asked,either left or right depending what i ask her...she knows all her commands,can open doors,although hasn't got the knack of shutting them yet :lol:

She does loads of things but her downfall are barking!!! especially in the car & at neighbours and trying to bite walking sticks..(dont know why she does this,has shes never had anything raisied at her) :crazy:

So is your dog batty or clever? :)
My dog can do sit , Stay , Paw Left and right , Beg , Basically the basics lol :lol:
my dog can do the basics but she is a naturally clever little dog lol
my dog is thick as
rex is a very clever do he can
do all the usual stuff sit stay
left paw right paw but without
giving it to hand so it looks
like a high five with a paw with me
being not to well he knows when
i am not to well and comes and lays down
next to me and puts his head on my shoulder
he tells us when it walkies he goes and gets
his own lead he knows word like car walkies
leader and if he is feeling hungry before
meal time he will go and sit and look at were
his food is kept that's if he wants a tin of meat
he also has a open bag of omega dog food that he
helps him self to when he needs a snack this bag
as lasted him all most a year he also like the shower
no struggling to get him in and stay in he loves
getting wet
Well my Dachsund (sausage dog :rolleyes: ) Rolly or Roland to give him him full name can understand what you say to him and will "talk" back to you haha he understands it when we say "go get your toy!", "wee wees!" (this means walkies to everyone else haha it was a joke that stuck :lol: ) and all sorts of other stuff but he is generally rather nut's TBH even at the ripe old age of 10 he acts like a 6month old pup.

His mother cilla, who was a show dog in her time, i am convinced was a human in a dogs body she was like my nan and told me off back when i used to be home late ( i grew up with both dogs froma young age and even though i'm a grown up now they still make me feel like a kid :wub: ) sadly she had a stroke last hear at the grand old age of 12 which is a very good age for a pedigree daxie :good:

So yea one dog was a scientific marvel the other has a head filled with fluff haha :lol:
Chief is capable of unzipping the duffel bag we have all the training equipment and toys in and dig one out himself. He also hides the toys under things so that the other dogs can't find them. Other than that.. he's a dingbat!
My dog was batty as anything in the world!
She never learnt any commands because she never payed enough attention to me!

Alessa x.

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