How can i prevent algae from growing in my tank?


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Well i have a 33 planted aquarium and i can'y stop the green algae from growing on the ground and plats and decorations and stuff.a small amount of algae wouldn't be a problem but its gorwing more and more every day. i have a plecostomus but its not helping much

please reply
Scrub it :D thats what i do. You dont want to put chemicals in so you could get a snail but they reproduce like there is no tomorrow. Get a backround that also helps. You can also try to limit natural light or sumtin, I hope this helps.
i have a 35 gallon tank & dont have any problems with algae put the tank away from a window(sunlight ),I only have the light on for about 5 hours a day(about 6pm to 11pm night,also try a couple of sucking loach they clean everything,
plants ,gravel,heater,my fluval tower filter,glass,rocks anything absolutely anything.
if u try cleaning it while the water is still in it probably get cloudy & u have to rely on your filter to clear it,or clean it vacuum some water out & algae with it & replace water put the water back in gently so as not to churn it up if u have a powerful filter in that should keep it down to an extent,it may help if u want to try it ok
Algae is inevitable in aquariums.

One of the main causes of algae breatouts is overfeeding your fish.
Try to cut down the amount you feed them and the length of time your lights are on. You can use a credit card to scrape algae off the glass.
If you have a very severe case you can use the blackout method.
Drape the tank in a blanket for a few days. That should help cut down on some of the algae.
Could I ask you for a little bit more info on your tank

Who many watts per gallon do you have , and what tipe of light.
do you add fertilizers how much and tipe?
do you have a nutrience rish substrate
do you add CO2
your current PH, NO3 and if possible P levels,

It not everyone that could answer all but let me know as much as possible..

a planted tank shouldnt have algae growing out of control.
I'd add an hour or two of darkness in the middle of the day (if you're using a timer). Algae isn't complex enough to repeatedly start and stop the photosynthesis process gracefully... or it's less able to than the plants are anyway. It'll help the plants outcompete the algae. Might make a dent.

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