How Can I Help My Corys Breed


Fish Fanatic
Feb 3, 2010
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i was just wonding weather they is a way i can get my corys to breed? i have 3 bronze cory do i need more
i was just wonding weather they is a way i can get my corys to breed? i have 3 bronze cory do i need more

What size tanks do you have? what other occupents are in the tank? are you sure they are both males and females present?

Cold water changes help to stimulate spawning.
A cooler water than normal at water change time is always a good help ... worked for me anyway :good:

EDIT: Beat me to it :fun:
witch one would eat the eggs and were do they normaly lay the eggs i have a second tank if needed but i am so jealous of the guys in here with babys or evan eggs. if needed i will go get 3 more
witch one would eat the eggs and were do they normaly lay the eggs i have a second tank if needed but i am so jealous of the guys in here with babys or evan eggs. if needed i will go get 3 more

If you have a spare tank id pop the corys in it and let them spawn in that ;)

Size is it?

They lay eggs on side of glass, on plants, (mine use to lay a lot of the times on side of my internal filter lol)

It will be better as well if they was in a tank alone cos when u do the cold water changes, it wont effect the other fish.
21 liter it holds my male fighter at min but can rehome for 2 week if i put the devider in the main tank
21 liter it holds my male fighter at min but can rehome for 2 week if i put the devider in the main tank

Its only just under 5 gallons then. i would go for something bigger but im sure you could try with 4 corys in that size.
whats the best way to sex them i have 2 that look thin and then 1 thats relly fat? i have just feed the frozon bloodworm so it could be just that she has eaten more than the outhers
whats the best way to sex them i have 2 that look thin and then 1 thats relly fat? i have just feed the frozon bloodworm so it could be just that she has eaten more than the outhers

males are longer and thinner where females are small and stumpy lol
Hi chrischeyne :)

It does sound like you have two males and a female. What temperature do you keep your tank at?
that very helpfull i think i am going to buy a new tank for them has i have the loads of fry that need rehomeing to. cheers again
Sounds like their are possibilities of breeding there, they probably would fair better in a breeding tank, when setting up use tank water from their original tank etc. They may already be laying eggs but they can be in the most obscure places, mine have favourite spots that you get used to and just need to check regularly, in a community tank it is luck whether you will though! Best stimulant as mentioned is the cooler water changes to mimic wet rainy seasons etc. Also put things in like java moss etc to give them something to hopefully aim for. Oh and as mentioned the females are wider across than the males, best to try and get a top view of them (perhaps when moving to the breeder tank when you get it?). I con only just tell one of my species apart the rest can be a bit hit and miss as to what they are :lol: Any pics of the cories and tank :hyper:

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