How Big Of A Newbie Were You?

bought a 180 litre bio-type type thing (im not sure exactly) it was someones pride and joy, fully planted and scaped with about 9 pieces of bogwood, lots of very nice (nicer than lfs quality) fish, immediately threw out all the plants, put all the bogwood on a bonfire, filled with plastic plants and cheesy ornaments and swapped all the fish for guppies etc
Well, I did have a fish tank once. But it was just some little 8 gallon tank with 2 goldfish in. And they both died cause they were fair fish, and those aren't supposed to last very long. :(
edit: Yeah, they died in 2 days. And I haven't had a tank myself since.
2Years ago now :lol: I was lucky I found this website first so I did some research asked some questions then done a fishless cycle in my first Tank a Juwel Trigon 190 and when my Tank was cycled I added 6 zebra Danios in 2 sections with a week apart :good:

Glad to say I am getting out of my submarine/sunken Galleon THING :fun: :lol: the tank is pretty natural looking now

I am on my third tank now lol I am totally hooked :good:

Regards onebto
2Years ago now :lol: I was lucky I found this website first so I did some research asked some questions then done a fishless cycle in my first Tank a Juwel Trigon 190 and when my Tank was cycled I added 6 zebra Danios in 2 sections with a week apart :good:

Glad to say I am getting out of my submarine/sunken Galleon THING :fun: :lol: the tank is pretty natural looking now

I am on my third tank now lol I am totally hooked :good:

Regards onebto

once your hooked there is no going back mwahaha!

well i should add that before the 20 gallon i had a 1 gallon with 3 balloon mollies, a tadpole, and 3 comet goldfish ugghh i feel bad for those fish now

and before that my parents had a 20 gallon with (be prepared)
2 angels which i killed (wanted to find out what they felt like, i was 5 leave me be!)
5 tiger barbs which were flushed because we were moving (i know, my dad did it not me and i was sad)
1 clown knife (we were told hed stay small BS)
1 tire track eel (in fact my dad said hed buy me another.....) which jumped
1 fire belly newt , death by filter
1 gold gourami crabicide
1 opaline or 3 spot gourami (surprisly the 2 had a baby :crazy: ) crabicide
1 fiddler crab suicide

so techniqually im on my 5th and 6th tank but if you count actually knowing the material then im on my 3rd and 4th

AND before i was born my dad did something right for once, he had an oscar in a 100 gallon pond in puerto rico and fed it goldfish (yeah i know bad), it got to about 7 years old before a hurricane came and put it on the floor which then cats and pigeons got :(

and before that he used to go to the beach ad get reef fish and put them in a 50 gallon with lots of sand and rocks from it,they didnt last too long due to lack of water changes and general care but it was a start.

my track record sucks :(
Before i joined here i had 4 goldfish/2 sarasa comets and 5 ghost carp in a three foot tank, the ghosts were about 5inch n the golds, the sarasa's were about 11-12inch..stunners but um cramped,so i finally chopped them all in at lfs for some medium cichlids..

Oh and my filter cleaning consisted of washing the sponge under tap water and taking water right down to nearly empty,just enough to cover fish...
Err 16-17 years :)

I started with goldfish in a bowl; then we upgraded to a bigger tank (18-20") - it's my spare :); then we upgraded to a 30" tank (9 years ago) and then last year I upgraded them again.

My first goldfish died when they were 7 and 9 (ok it's not great but considering what I/we didn't know then - they did fine). They lived FAR longer than anyone else's fish. My next lot of fish all turn 9 this year (I think I've lost about 4 or 5 of them over the last 9 years).

I also have a small (at the minute) common plec, a betta and 3 newts.

I originally joined the site to ask about newts as there is so much conflicting information around; I then stuck arround and got re-addicted :).

I'm also going to begin setting up another tank (well a small tank :))

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