How And Why U Came To Tff

You gotta love Google :nod: I was looking for info on bettas, lurked around here for a week then finally joined in the fun!
being a member on a couple of ice hockey forums i knew there good places to talk to people who share the same interests so decided to search for a site like this, only this in all honesty is alot bigger and better than what i was expecting to find.

Just got my first tank and felt completely overwhelmed and useless, I had bought some fishies but didnt know anything about them, Google found this site and I was interested by the many posts, then to my horror spotted cycling ( LFS hadnt said anything about it ) . fortunately all my fish have survived and i now know how to look after them but have been hooked ever since. so much to learn and enjoying every minute of it. shame my friends now think Im a fish anorak. :rolleyes:
I was serching for info on a new tank not long ago, and bingo - i'm now a member and lovin it!!!!

:good: go google!!
I was looking for advice on fish tanks, so I googled 'fish forums' because I had luck with a pet rescue forum for finding cat and dog advice, but they didn't have much fish advice.

I ended up leaving the other forum anyway, and here I am here, lol.
Like so many others, Google directed me to this forum. When I saw the wealth of information I couldn't help but joining. I bet before I joined I didn't even know a tenth of what I know now. :)
My duaghter bought a tank with her birthday money and wanted to fill it right up and add fish. I disagreed so I googled tropical fish and several sites came up. This site had the sections listed seperately and it was easy to locate what we were looking for and things were really explained well. My daughter even understood most of it. The folks here appeared really willing to help when explaining things. Added some tanks since then and been here ever since.
TFF has been the biggest contributer to pulling me out of my computer illiteracy. Back in '03 I inherited my father's 55 gallon when he had to relocate to a nursing home. He got this tank a few years before from a neighbor who got evicted. I show up at his place one day in '99 and he has this tank, with fish & everything. I got elected to help care for this tank, since I lived a short walk away, and had a 10 gallon running for ages. After I set up the tank at my house, a light bulb (dim one) went off in my head, and I thought the internet may have some info on fish. My kids helped me with getting started with the computer, TFF probably came up on a search engine.
i was reallly bored one day and was looking how new ways to setup my tank at or something like that and some guy had put this site and said it helped him alot so i tryed it, its also helped me alot too :rolleyes:
I was searching for fish info and found the fish index here... which is excellent.
Wanted a forum to Googled 'Tropical Fish Forum' - TFF was top o' the list.

This was AFTER I got a tank and bunged some fish in of course.... Fishies survived the LFS advice!


EXACTLY the same situation! *hi-fives underwurlde*
In my case it was Yahoo, but the principle is the same. I just knew there had to be better ways of information around than 30 years ago when I first tried keeping fish.

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