How About An Oscar?

A pair of firemouths would do very well. Same with a green terror, except you would have to pair it up too. Either way, you are going to have to buy a few small ones and let them pair up and then return the others after you have a known pair. Otherwise you could have a fight to the death several times over. They will get aggressive, even across the sexes.
Ugh... day decisions decisions.... what to do...
I'm about to just do the big No No and get some goldies. Lol.
But I haven't gave away my guppies yet. So I still have time to decide.
A full grown male green terror would not fit in a 55g. They are a rather large bulky fish that top out at about 8 inches. Would do better in a 75g. You do not necessarily have to pair a green terror. In fact, having a pair with any other fish will end up like a pair of jacks in a tank with other fish. They will get rather violent during breeding.

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