Swinging back to plecos, we could see the Channa effect. Snakeheads are illegal here, but they had to ban the entire Genus. There is no way every border guard could be trained to recognize each individual species, to say which ones were the dangers, and which were neat aquarium fish. If it looked like a northern snakehead, it became illegal.
That is unfortunately sensible, because if the importing industry were given the responsibility of identifying the species to import them, experience shows they will cheat. Money comes first.
If the half dozen Loracarid species that pose a real threat were blaklisted, the many that are harmless could be too. Our hobby still calls Ancistrus/bristlenoses 'plecos', so how could you expect every customs person to learn the difference? Most fishkeepers won't take a few minutes to learn what the difference between a species, a breed, a hybrid and a variety is. Many don't know what the fish they have are named, in any language. And hobbyists are supposed to be the ones who care about the fish.
It's 2025 today, but in some ways our hobby is still in 1825. It'll be interesting to see.