How 2 Raise Krib Fry?


New Member
Feb 21, 2004
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i noticed that my female krib has been hiding 4 a few days... last nite i found her hiddy hole it was under a small piece of driftwood. then i noticed that on the roof of the cave were eggs. i hav otha fish in the tank too so i decided 2 remove them and put the whole piece of wood in anotha tank. this morning i found that the eggs hatched! there is about 20-30 little fry just "vibrating" under the piece of wood. they have a yolk like sac still attachd 2 them. wat do i feed them and how shud i raise them ?

They will live off the egg sac initially. Once it's gone you can feed them artemia (newly hatched brine shrimp). Congrats on the fry and good luck with them. :D
thanks 4 the help Lenna

is there anything i shud b doin like extra water changes or anything? there are in a 2ft by them selves is this ok 4 now ? there is a sponge filter in there so this is ok rite ? and those artemia Lenna was talking about do i just buy them from my lfs? is there any otha foods i can feed them ?

Artemia is baby brine shrimp. You can hatch your own for fairly cheap, or buy it frozen. You could try boiled egg if you're in a pinch. But it fouls the water quickly so be careful. Is your sponge filter seasoned with beneficial bacteria?'
:unsure: seasoned with benificial bacteria? if that means is the tank cycled then yes it is cycled. sorry if i sound rude but im only 15 and i hav neva herd that term before, sorry.

thanks wuvmybetta
heh heh, tis alright. Sounds like you're good to go, just do small water changes every few days or so. Congrats!!!
thanks 4 the replys every1... i think im good 2 go.. i'll keep u's all posted. 1 last thing if i want 2 sell them wen they get bigger wat size shud they b b4 i sell them ?


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