I didn't mean in money. I meant in them as beings that contribute to the world (not talking about value to humans).But photo isn't worth much except sentimental value. Fish / other critters have a high value (at least to the world we live in).If my house was ablaze and a genie gave me the chance to have 2 minutes back inside, guaranteed no death, I'd rescue more sentimental things like old photos, things that can't be replaced. Sorry fish, I love you, but you're replaceable in that situation.
Pretty sure I read about a LFS that had a serious fire back along, and apart from a few tanks which smashed under the heat, most of the fish were still alive.
I consider sentimental value to be much higher than material value though. I have no intention of selling my fish, so they're only worth to me what it would cost to replace if I lost them. If my full tank got wiped out it'd probably cost a day's wages or so to replace the fish. If I had to replace the tank and the plants as well, maybe 5 or 6 days' wages. In any case, these are all material goods that I would hope to be able to claim for on the home insurance. I know the individual fish will be dead, but I don't have any fish with any special sentimental value or that look any different to every other fish of their species.
Old photos and stuff are highly sentimental to me and irreplaceable, therefore priceless. Fish, I can throw some money at someone and I can have what I had back in a manner of speaking. The photos, not so.
The part with not having fish with sentimental value explains it, however I wouldn't leave my Tzuppy in the burning house if I had the option to save him and I could save him. Then Bee and Cracker, even though out of the two only Bee has shown some character but without Cracker she seems incomplete, they're like Laurel and Hardy.
As for pictures / memories, I have tons of them, but all that can be actually kept in one secure place that won't disappear until I die. *points to head*.
I agree.

Truth be known I'd save.........
My Son
My Wife
My Dog
My Cat
My AR15
..............and then I'd go back in and fight the fire to save the fish. With 3 tanks heavily stocked I'd have no chance of saving all of them by putting a fish at a time into buckets.