House Cat?


UKAPS member
Mar 12, 2007
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Coventry, West Midlands
I honestly doubt I would be able to get a cat but I thought I'd ask for future reference...

Currently I live in a reasonable sized house that has been converted into two flats, upstairs and downstairs. I rent the downstairs and have a massive garden! Now, because I rent, I wouldn't be able to install a cat flap or any sort of access for a cat for when I'm not home. Do you think this would be a problem/unkind?

As I say, its mostly a hypothetical question, as my rental agreement says no pets (though I have permission for my fish tanks). I'm sure I would be able to sweet talk my land lady, as I get on quite well with her :) But its still hypothetical!
I don't see why not.
you mention you can't have a cat flap but also say you want a house cat, this is in contradiction to each other.
a house cat by definition is a cat that does not leave the 4 walls of your house (although in you case it would be a flat cat :p )

if you plan on letting the cat out then it is not a house cat.

seeing as you are on the ground floor, just do as I do for Bagheera and Dyllon
leave a window open for them to come and go as they please.
obviously close it when it is very cold or when you go out.

BTW I too live in a ground floor flat :good:
I don't see why not.
you mention you can't have a cat flap but also say you want a house cat, this is in contradiction to each other.
a house cat by definition is a cat that does not leave the 4 walls of your house (although in you case it would be a flat cat :p )

if you plan on letting the cat out then it is not a house cat.

seeing as you are on the ground floor, just do as I do for Bagheera and Dyllon
leave a window open for them to come and go as they please.
obviously close it when it is very cold or when you go out.

BTW I too live in a ground floor flat :good:

Thanks for the reply! I guess the term "House Cat" does imply that! Duh! Its not what I meant. Ok, so theres no real issues with keeping a cat "locked up" or even locked out for the day while I'm at work :)

I *really* don't think I can get a cat, but its a nice fiction at the moment :sad:
I honestly doubt I would be able to get a cat but I thought I'd ask for future reference...

Currently I live in a reasonable sized house that has been converted into two flats, upstairs and downstairs. I rent the downstairs and have a massive garden! Now, because I rent, I wouldn't be able to install a cat flap or any sort of access for a cat for when I'm not home. Do you think this would be a problem/unkind?

As I say, its mostly a hypothetical question, as my rental agreement says no pets (though I have permission for my fish tanks). I'm sure I would be able to sweet talk my land lady, as I get on quite well with her :) But its still hypothetical!

I live in a house, not a flat but we'd don't have cat flaps. The cat sits by the front or back door when she wants to go out and does the same when she wants to come in. This time of year she's outside most of the day. She'll listen for the doors to open and come running along if she wants to come in, like when I get in from work. Most cats are pretty clever like that.
I agree with just leaving a window open for it, just obviously have some sort of lock type thing so that it cant be forced open by anyone.
I live in a house, not a flat but we'd don't have cat flaps. The cat sits by the front or back door when she wants to go out and does the same when she wants to come in. This time of year she's outside most of the day. She'll listen for the doors to open and come running along if she wants to come in, like when I get in from work. Most cats are pretty clever like that.

my cat does that, even though she does have a cat flap, she' much rather see us work for her.

one issue i'd have is is your flat rented furnished or unfurnished? if it's furnished your landlady may say no because she doesn't want her furniture ripped to shreds by a cat bored at home.
Getting a certain breed of cat will also help. We have two moggies and two silver spotted tabbies. the moggies want to live outside and the tabbies never go out, they are true house cats we have doors and windows open along with a cat flap and they still stay in.

As I say, its all a pipe dream :( Maybe broach the subject when my lease is up for renewal in September. Oh, yeah, its mostly furnished (with crappy 80's leather sofas!)
Alot of cats (most of our tribe) are prefectly content not to go out - of the 20 cats we've got (we breed cats, and have some kittens from last year still at home :) ) only 3 or 4 go out. The rest are perfectly happy in the house or the cat runs.

All they need is plenty of comfy sleeping places (my keyboard is their favourite ;) ) and plenty of toys to amuse them and a good scratching post. For litter trays get one of the large covered ones and they're fine (none of ours like the smaller trays we've got in one or two places, to the extent that when I've gone to empty them I've found them unused.)
Not unkind at all. As long as you don't consider providing a home to a cat that's been used to out-door access.

But have you considered asking the landlord? I know mine doesn't have a problem with it at all and the previous tenants installed a catflap in a glass panel door. They just replaced the small glass panel which wasn't "expensive" (you could do it in a window as well).
If your landlord gives permission for a cat, I really can't see the issue with a catflap on the condition that you put it back the way it was.

Apart from that, there are many instances when a cat must be a housecat - and you may want to consider keeping one of these.

Giving a cat with feline Aids a home (many are completely healthy and stable, but can never go out)
Or a ex breeding cat (these are often as young as a couple of years old and because many of them grow up entirely indoors or in solitary runs in the garden, it's best to keep them in similar conditions.
Thanks for the replies guys :) I will definately consider this for the future. I obviously need to think and research about correct care and the cost of vet bills etc. I grew up with 2 cats and they were very "low maintenance" so to speak, and they lived into their 20's :)

I really miss them both, which is part of why I'm at least considering the idea :)

Thanks again guys :)
If you do have the space two cats providing they get on are likely to be alot less of a problem than just one - they'll always have each other (and emptying litter tray used by two isn't any more work than one)...

I know our Japanese Bobtail's are very people orientated and need company so unless they're going somewhere with people around all the time they need to go as pairs.
yeah i agree that it may be worth considering getting 2 cats, when i first got miss mittens she was really destructive and although she had been a housecat before it soon becfame apparent she wasn't happy at home alone all day. I started letting her outside (no catflap, i just open the door for her) which was an improvement in the summer but in the winter when the weather's bad she wasn't happy at home. so we got Lu-Li to keep her company and while they aren't always the best of friends (you'd never catch them cuddled up together or anything) she's deifnately a lot happier for having company at home
yeah i agree that it may be worth considering getting 2 cats, when i first got miss mittens she was really destructive and although she had been a housecat before it soon becfame apparent she wasn't happy at home alone all day. I started letting her outside (no catflap, i just open the door for her) which was an improvement in the summer but in the winter when the weather's bad she wasn't happy at home. so we got Lu-Li to keep her company and while they aren't always the best of friends (you'd never catch them cuddled up together or anything) she's deifnately a lot happier for having company at home

Cool :)

Everyone stop trying to talk me into this :p Its not fair! :lol:

I look through peoples pics of cats on this forum and it just makes me want to go for it! But I must be strong and do some research and also broach the subject with the landlady... And its not going to be for a little while yet... its not! :shout:
bet you've rung the ladnlady by the end of the weekend ;)

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