Hot glue in aquariums?


Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2023
Reaction score
QLD, Australia
As a cheap-skate, I was wondering whether hot glue in aquariums would contaminate the water or something. I know superglue and the like don’t, so I don’t see why hot glue would, but just looking for opinions/personal experience before I do it so I don’t accidentally hurt the fish :)
I wouldn't risk it, without knowing the chemical composition, whether it could leech chemicals into the water or break down over time. Superglue is aquarium safe, but it doesn't need to be the name brand superglue, there are cheaper alternatives made with the same ingredients, I buy a pack of two that costs one pound sterling. Can't get much cheaper than that. Just double check the ingredients against the name brand Superglue.

Aquarium silicone and aquascaping glue is a little more expensive, but also both still less expensive than using a random glue that could potentially cause a lot of harm to your stocking and tank!
Glues can be very dangerous, and very chemically different across types. They are one of the things I am extremely cautious about using in fishtanks. Superglue is used in human surgical applications, hardware adhesive isn't....
I just did what I should have before posting, and googled it. It is apparently not toxic once it is completely dry and no longer releasing fumes. However, it lasts for a short time underwater, and what you make with it falls apart within weeks.

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