Horror Films

don't really have a fav, but
ones tha I'll watch again and again are
The poltergeist trilogy
The omen trilogy ( I refuse to accept omen 4 as part of this serise)
Killer tomatoes and revenge of the killer tomatoes.
killer Klowns from outer space
It (Stephen King)
Freddy V's Jason
and well I could go on, but I won't
Most "horror" films are just a lot of screaming, gore and scantily-clad-large-chested-women (the main reason my brother always watched them). I tend to find my self laughing or just groaning at the bad acting rather than being scared. But a I'll take a good psychological thriller any day over somethign with a more supernatural theme. The human mind, and the potential for humans to snap and commit acts of extreme violence is far more scary than any brain-lusting zombie or Mrs. Vorhees in a goalie mask. Movies like Saw and Saw 2 were gripping, when you overlooked some of the bad acting on the part of some of the folks in the sequel. I mean, its actually possible for a person to think that way and commit those acts without remorse, and that's pretty creepy. But to each their own. Maybe I was just exposed to "slasher flicks" at too early an age and just became jaded by them.

I love Stephen King's books, I've actually jumped while reading them. But the movies just never do his stories justice. They lose some of the suspense. I think its because when you're reading it, you get to create the images, and the mind can be frighteningly creative. But in the movies, they often "show" you the villian/creature too early, taking away from the suspense. I love movies where you never get to clearly see the killer, allowing your mind to make it into somethign much more terrible and therefore adding to the fright of it. Its always a let down when you get to "see" it too early. Know what I mean?
Some of Steven Kings stuff is good, but like his books they are too long and drawn out.

:eek: :grr: :angry: Stephen King is fantastic, New book out on the 27th!! :D

I'll look out for that then :no: :p

His stories are good, but it takes till halfway through his books before anything happens. I am a fan of Pet Sematary.


I love Pet Semetary! You should try some of his short stories, they're really good. Night Shift or Everythings Eventual are the two i'd recommend. Just re-reading Night Shift for about the tenth time now :lol:

Oooh, and everyone should read the Dark Tower books!!! :D

Will let you know what i think of it Donna :)
deep water is a japenese thing and its soooo scary you dont no whats going to happen because you dont understand them then this green mangled thing comes out the water tank :lol: but my fav is probs blade but thats not exactly horror to me :lol: :lol:
I love Pet Semetary! You should try some of his short stories, they're really good. Night Shift or Everythings Eventual are the two i'd recommend. Just re-reading Night Shift for about the tenth time now :lol:

Oooh, and everyone should read the Dark Tower books!!! :D

Will let you know what i think of it Donna :)

I have read both of them and a couple of dark towers, but they are just too slow, I also read some of his older books years ago. I must have read about 15-20 of his over the many many years I've been reading and not been enthralled by any of them, especially after finding Clive Barker, the man Stephen King himself described as the best in the business and the future of horror.

I hear what you are saying with the suspense and psych thriller stuff MAM, I'm a fan of the likes of Silence of the Lambs but I wouldn't class it as horror though, same with things like Alien, that goes into the sci-fi bracket in my head.

1) the first Alien movie
2) try and find this old flick, It! The Terror from Beyond Space (actually, it was the framework for the first Alien movie)
2) The original Psycho
3) The original The Mummy and the original The Wolfman.

I love horrors but am usually disappointed because I expected them to be scarier.

Does anyone know if Saw II is worth seeing?

I didn't like Saw 2 as much as the original but it was ok.. Interesting idea :)

Final Destination 3 was really good!! Not much in the way of a plot and it was all a bit far fetched but if you like meaningless gore definately go see it!! Whoever thinks up all these ways of dying is very sick... :lol:
I didn't like Saw 2 as much as the original but it was ok.. Interesting idea :)

Final Destination 3 was really good!! Not much in the way of a plot and it was all a bit far fetched but if you like meaningless gore definately go see it!! Whoever thinks up all these ways of dying is very sick... :lol:
thanks for that jessica,final d is sick thats why i like it lol, :lol: .i cant wait to see it now!.
I liked The Shining and Jaws, the Alien trilogy too but the best for me has to be the Sixth Sense but would you classify that as horror or as suspense????

Ha, have to share a story. Everyone knows how the movie Jaws affected swimmers, and when I go swimming in the Gulf of Mexico there have been times when it's come to mind. One day (years ago when my son was much younger) my son and I were swimming in about 4 feet deep water, maybe 20 feet from shore. Kind of alone in that area too. Anyway, I suddenly see this large dark shadow in the water about 15 feet away and it's coming right at us. We're too far to make it to shore in time so I grab my son, put him behind me and tell him not to move. I tell him that if anything happens he's to go to the beach no matter what. The shadow is coming closer and closer and man this thing is BIG!! I'm trying to remember what to do if a shark attacks when suddenly this big ugly head breaks at the surface not 3 feet away!! It's a manatee and man I nearly peed my pants!! :lol:
Killer tomatoes and revenge of the killer tomatoes.

LMAO.. can't believe anyone else actually saw and remembers the Attack of the Killer Tomatos! That was what we watched when one of the girls went through a bad breakup back in highschool (yes, I'm dating myself :*) ). Never laughed so hard :D

The Ring scared the @$#^ outta me! :X If the Japanese one is scarier there's NO WAY I'll ever rent it. I couldn't sleep for 3 days because every time I closed my eyes I saw that darn ring! Didn't help that my friends kept calling me and saying '7 days'! :crazy:
Has anyone seen the new amityville horror? I'm usually not scared by horror movies (i just love watching them)
But this movie had me truly petrified. I mean even the japanese ring didn't scare me...but amityville turned me into a little girl. :/ egeeggghhh I'm scared just thinking about it! :crazy:
Speaking of Jaws, poor Peter Benchley just passed away. SH

Yeah I saw that, very sad. He recently took part in an article where he said he was sad to have made Jaws, as it created a too many misconceptions about sharks.

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