hopeless or not?

Great to hear that, well done.
aww your a hero and a idol to us all :) (well me atleast :) ) your so smart and so kind and helpful i hope he lives a big full of suprises life just for you :)!!!

dang those marks on him looked like burns :/ poor guy!!
thanks everyone

hi wilder, isnt it great to see a sick fish pull through. :)

daudy dojo, thank you for that lovely comment but i dont see myself as a hero, the plec is the hero to me for making it through. he could have been burnt maybe by a heater but he did have bacterial issues as well poor guy :/

hi michael, his tail is slowly growing back in and i will post a pic when it does :)
black angel said:
daudy dojo, thank you for that lovely comment but i dont see myself as a hero, the plec is the hero to me for making it through. he could have been burnt maybe by a heater but he did have bacterial issues as well poor guy :/
well sure you are you show everyone else who gives up on fish that are sick... that its possible :) And you saved that fish :)
Wow what a massive improvement ! WELL DONE ! B)
Definitely looks like the worst is over. Hope the last bit heals up nicely :thumbs:
thats an amazing recovery story and i sure do know who to come to if i ever need help fixing up my fish i love storys with happy endings :D but he definetely is a fighter :flex:
Yes it's great black angel when they get better, glad he did poor thing, to be honest i didn't think he stood a chance on the first day of posting, but in fishkeeping you sometimes never no. :cool:
To be honest i didnt hold much hope either, but i'm glad i didnt take him back to the shop as the lfs worker wanted me to do and have him whacked on the head.

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