Home Made Nitrate Filter

many companies make doseing pumps
like this
but I'm sure there are better and or cheaper ones out there :good:
chrismrutherford said:
Building a drippier system is complex
Interesting thread, food for thought ,,,
I dont know what these commercial drippier things are, any links ?

A slow flow rate can be obtained with airlift operated filters so,
( I know ! air and anaerobic dont mix but bear with me ,, !!)
thinking on-the-hoof, how about :-
If one were to have a small container/tank/sump alongside the main tank, or even a "hang on the back" type chamber and this small tank has two sections, one containing the anaerobic filter medium and the second smaller section is just a chamber to take the overflow/outflow from the anaerobic chamber and provide a place for the airlift tube to operate.
A "U" tube or syphon pipe, into the anaerobic chamber, keeps the thing filled with water from the aquarium.
The airlift takes water from the output side of the anaerobic chamber and returns it to the aquarium.
The flow rate is adjusted to one blurp every now-and-again (excuse the technical language ;) ) by the air input and the height of the airlift pipe.
The aquarium receives slightly re-oxygenated water after it has passed thro' the anaerobic denitrating chamber.

What have I missed ??
chrismrutherford said:
Building a drippier system is complex
Interesting thread, food for thought ,,,
I dont know what these commercial drippier things are, any links ?

A slow flow rate can be obtained with airlift operated filters so,
( I know ! air and anaerobic dont mix but bear with me ,, !!)
thinking on-the-hoof, how about :-
If one were to have a small container/tank/sump alongside the main tank, or even a "hang on the back" type chamber and this small tank has two sections, one containing the anaerobic filter medium and the second smaller section is just a chamber to take the overflow/outflow from the anaerobic chamber and provide a place for the airlift tube to operate.
A "U" tube or syphon pipe, into the anaerobic chamber, keeps the thing filled with water from the aquarium.
The airlift takes water from the output side of the anaerobic chamber and returns it to the aquarium.
The flow rate is adjusted to one blurp every now-and-again (excuse the technical language ;) ) by the air input and the height of the airlift pipe.
The aquarium receives slightly re-oxygenated water after it has passed thro' the anaerobic denitrating chamber.

What have I missed ??

Here is one at MarineDepot.com
Bowman, I don't have a link but look for air pump operated fry savers. They have a sponge filter on one end of an acrylic box and an air lift to return water to the main tank. You could modify something like that.
Should work the same since it says for freshwater or saltwater. Just because its called Marine depot doesn't mean its only for marine water :)
jgray152 said:
Should work the same since it says for freshwater or saltwater.
Ah ! Yes, sorry I missed that, my eye was caught by all the refs. to " calcareous media" & "Will supply additional calcium to the tank" etc. !!
Just because its called Marine depot doesn't mean its only for marine water :)
True ! that was not the prob. though :) but it may account for the price tag ! :( :(

I still dont see how it relates to OPs drip thing.

dylema said:
an air lift to return water to the main tank. You could modify something like that.
No prob. dylema. I know how airlifts work and have made many, I also know about the de-nitrators based upon very long lengths of narrow tube etc.
It was OPs ref to "commercial drippier system" things and why he thought that they were complicated to set up, that I couldnt get a handle upon ,, you see :) :)
But perhaps we'll never know cos he seems to have vanished ! So I'll carry on with my experiments with a capilliary drip system and airlifts and things ,,,,
Well it's been about 2 months, my pump is ok and I can positively say that my timer system works. Indeed my smaller tank with more fish has lower nitrates than my large tank with less fish and more plants. I'd say that is pretty conclusive. I might make some final readjustments to increase the off time to 5 mins and fill the canister completely with clay pebbles. (the timer system is on the small tank).

Not so sure about the capacitor issue, isn't this just to create the phase difference required for the induction? i.e. rotating magnetic field?



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