Holy Wow !

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That One Guy
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
May 25, 2019
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On the banks of the Yellowstone
In case you haven't noticed we have a few forum members who are more than just fish keepers . @emeraldking @TwoTankAmin and @GaryE really stand out. Yeah Buddy ! These guys really know some nitty gritty about fish and we are all very lucky to have access to their collective knowledge . Those three were talking Swordtails in a thread and most of it went way over my head. Getting to find out about stuff like this is why you join Aquarium Societies and specialty organizations. I'm feeling pretty puny today after reading that stuff but also feeling more excited about the hobby.
In case you haven't noticed we have a few forum members who are more than just fish keepers . @emeraldking @TwoTankAmin and @GaryE really stand out. Yeah Buddy ! These guys really know some nitty gritty about fish and we are all very lucky to have access to their collective knowledge . Those three were talking Swordtails in a thread and most of it went way over my head. Getting to find out about stuff like this is why you join Aquarium Societies and specialty organizations. I'm feeling pretty puny today after reading that stuff but also feeling more excited about the hobby.
Definitely very luck to have these guys - feel we need to include @Byron in this list of scientific expertise!
Thanks, but there are many many really knowledgeable fishkeepers lurking in the weeds here. Some pop out occasionally and drop some experience before swimming back to their caves, some are on more often and get mentioned by name. I appreciate the compliment, but I'd like to extend it. Some forums seek out experienced fishkeepers and drive them away as a good answer reduces the number of hits, fights and random ramblings. I've been told that's bad for a business that lives from generating traffic to generate ad revenue.
This forum lets people who have spent far too much time hanging out with fish share what they've learned, and I think the experienced fishkeepers here appreciate that opportunity to pass along what they've learned, or what we think we may have learned.
Thanks, but there are many many really knowledgeable fishkeepers lurking in the weeds here. Some pop out occasionally and drop some experience before swimming back to their caves, some are on more often and get mentioned by name. I appreciate the compliment, but I'd like to extend it. Some forums seek out experienced fishkeepers and drive them away as a good answer reduces the number of hits, fights and random ramblings. I've been told that's bad for a business that lives from generating traffic to generate ad revenue.
This forum lets people who have spent far too much time hanging out with fish share what they've learned, and I think the experienced fishkeepers here appreciate that opportunity to pass along what they've learned, or what we think we may have learned.
Gotta agree with this...
What @GaryE said in post # 5 exemplifies what I'm talking about with certain forum members. They have the ability to go past superfluous rhetoric and common misconceptions and state facts in a way that makes them obvious and understandable to the less experienced aquarists. This is of tremendous value to those who want to learn. Isn't that the real reason for haunting this site ? To learn ?
The recognition of myself along with the other members is appreciated. Given my health now I am less active, some days anyway, but still willing to share what I have learned from my years of research into certain aspects (I tend to stay out of topics I have less experience with). :fish:
The recognition of myself along with the other members is appreciated. Given my health now I am less active, some days anyway, but still willing to share what I have learned from my years of research into certain aspects (I tend to stay out of topics I have less experience with). :fish:
Get well soon... :drinks:

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