Thank you,Booboo. And at least these won't have to go in small cluttery tanks (if that helps shmooze your hubby any? ) They would live quite happily in a ten or so as a small group.
Congratulations. I have always wanted some wild bettas
If I can ever recover from the stress of having my other babies shipped to me, maybe I will have some of your smaragdina shipped to me.........Over night of course. I will gladly pay extra to reduce my stress level a notch or three.
I must stop the betta addiction, but darn is hard with empty tanks all over the house. I currently have a 10g empty, waiting for 2 of your babies and 2 empty 1g also meant for your babies and a 20g empty that would look great with some smaragdina swimming around
Maybe I had better stick to B.C. Betta...she is much closer to me, but her bettas don't compare at all to yours.
awww, thanks guys.
FE, I might be wrong here but I was told a couple of days ago that the best way to ship to Canada is to have someone in Washington carry them over the border and ship them from there. I'll have to find out more about that.
They are just too cute But they're way different than splendens....a little jumpy. It's neat. If I walk in the room and catch them off gaurd they all school away really quick,whereas a splenden tank would be like "There's food lady!!! Gather round, everyone,gather!"
Awww, they're so cute! Gotta love the babies
I'd be glad to take some off your hands when they're older.... translation: Pleeeeeeeeeeease let me have some pleeeeeeeeeease *big watery sad puppy eyes*
Wuv they are so beautiful! I just checked with hubby and he gave me the go ahead(after making the comment that we had so many fish around the house that he feels like AquaMan!) Sign me up to fill a 10 gallon!