Holiday pics from South Africa

Wow. Absolutely beautiful...very breathtaking. I can't believe you got so close to those animals. Jumpman, you are very lucky to have had this experience. You take wonderful photos. :nod:

I must say that the spider scared me a bit...I don't really care for them when they are the size of a small button, so having seen one that was as big as your hand...? :-( I would have been running around screaming and crying, lol! :lol: Yeah, I'm a wuss. :p

I think the zebra picture was my favorite though...I just love them. :wub: Do you happen to have any more zebra pictures? ;)
Absolutely amazing!! I'm incredibly jealous!! I'd love to go but there's nooo way I would leave without scuba diving in Laka Malawi, Victoria or Tanganyika (preferably Tanganyika) :hyper: :hyper:

The hippos are cute, is it true that there are an unheard of amount of hippo related deaths in Africa?It's hard to imagine those fat lazy things in attack mode :rofl:
That's right Wuv! The Hippo is actually the most dangerous large animal in Africa, and is reponsible for the most deaths each year!! They are very territorial, and don't take kindly to being disturbed (they will even attack boats sometimes) Even though they look fat and spend a lot of their time in water, they can outrun a man on foot with ease!! :crazy: And have you seen the size of their teeth?? :blink:

Arashi, I do have some more Zebra pics somewhere I think, will have a check later.

jumpman said:
That's right Wuv! The Hippo is actually the most dangerous large animal in Africa, and is reponsible for the most deaths each year!! They are very territorial, and don't take kindly to being disturbed (they will even attack boats sometimes) Even though they look fat and spend a lot of their time in water, they can outrun a man on foot with ease!! :crazy: And have you seen the size of their teeth?? :blink:
That's amazing,I'm glad you made it out alive :lol: :thumbs:
That's amazing,I'm glad you made it out alive

that's because I stayed on the other side of the river and made sure they were asleep first!! And damn they are loud snorers!! :lol:

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