Hole In The Head

well miss wiggles i hope he makes it thru this illness and let us know and keep us posted to how he is doing and best of luck
well miss wiggles i hope he makes it thru this illness and let us know and keep us posted to how he is doing and best of luck


please if anyone can answer this question it would be very much appreciated!

One of the sores appears to be healing up a bit, well it's certainly not getting any worse, however the one on the other side has got worse and another one has started up. I really don't know if that means he's getting better or worse tbh?
i had an oscar for three years and he had hole in head and none of my others never caught it from him i was able to reverse it though and it evntualy closed up now he is on show at my work
i hope i'm not speaking too soon but he looked a little better last night, sores didn't look as deep as they had and the new one that had opened up looked quite a bit better.

fingers crossed
hole in head sucks...i hope your oscar recovers fast ! i had an oscar when i was like 10 i think....just him and a 29 gal tank he was happy...but one day we dropped a abnormaly huge nightcrawler worm into the tank and he choked on it :-( poor fella he was my best underwater buddy i had at the time!
sorry i can't get a pic, got one on my phone but home pc has packed in and i can't upload them on my work pc.

he's got a sore behind/above each eye and one on his cheek, no more than 1cm long and half a cm deep each (if that, one on his cheek is no deeper than a scratch really) although i'm hopeless with measurements so that could be completely off!! :rolleyes:
vets just rang the meds have arrived, baths start again tonight.

feeling much more positive

we've also managed to find a bath shop with an excellent sale on so we should have a bath for ourselves by the end of next week. :D
Good stuff, Miss wiggle, don't give up! Things may look tough and bleak in the nearish future, but things will look up! I don't know *anything* about oscars, but I read through, and he seems to be taking this in stride, and from the sounds of it you are doing everything you can. And loo, even you will have a bath next week! You deserve a nice quiet sit in the tub :D

I hope your oscar gets better, again I know nothing about them, but from the sounds, it sounds like he could be getting better! chin up!
awwww thankyou, that nearly set me off crying i'm so stressed out right now :sad: been sat here for the last hr going through our finances and working out what we can stretch too, how we can afford to live the next few weeks etc etc, biggest problem is the petrol money to get to and from bradford every day for a bloody shower! :rolleyes: it's just the next 2 weeks that are a problem though, we both get a decent wage then and can get back on our feet and start repaying the money we've taken from savings etc, we can just muddle through for that long and we'll be fine.

anyway touch wood oscar will be ok, i really hope so, i just don't think i could cope with loosing him at the moment.

i absolutely can't wait for the first night we get our new bath, i'm gonna beg steal or borrow to get a bottle of wine and shut myself in there. rest of the room may still resembe a buildin site but i don't care!!
right todays update, oscar seems to be improving *touch wood* been doing 50% water changes whenever i can and giving him vitamin enriched food. Couldn't get to the vets until yesterday to pick up his meds, start his bath's again tonight which hopefully should kill it off.

the new lesion on his cheek definately looks better than when i first saw it, ones by his eyes are lingering but don't seem to have got any worse in the last few days.

also amazingly we found a company yesterday who can get us a new bath on friday, it's absolutely enormous as well and 50% off in the sale, it'll take a few days to get it plumbed in and the tiling finished off around it, luckily it's bank holiday weekend so we've plenty of time to crack on, we're hoping by the middle of next week it'll be done and we can bath in our own home again :)
just to say oscar is looking loads better so thankyou everyone for your help. very much appreciated :flowers:

the lesion on his cheek looks no more than a scratch now, the one by his left eye (which was the worst) has all but gone, it's not white anymore but gone back to his natural skin tone of black although as it got quite deep there still looks to be a bit of a dent there, will this grow back or will he add that to his multitiude of scars from fights with bits of stone?! :rolleyes: the one by his right eye is still there and still white but it's certainly getting no worse, it's pretty small so fingers crossed that'll be gone in a few days.

i have some more meds from the vets but as he is making such excellent progress I'm not convinced I should stress him out by catching him and putting him in the baths, I'm going to give it a few more days and monitor his progress closely, if he continues to recover i'll not bother with more meds, if his recovery stalls or he gets worse I've got it there to start treating again.

he's still getting water changes every day that i can (probably every other day at the moment, but i'm doing big water changes) and vitamin enriched food.
I am sad to hear your Oscar is not well and wish him speedy recovery to allow you to rest.
Do not give yourself a hard time you care a lot for fish and perhaps someone may help you with your fish especially as your back is bad.

Look after No1 though ensure your seen by the Dr. and getting the correct treatment for yourself which will not mean lifting heavy buckets etc.
Have you a python and could someone else vaccum the tank? Invest in easier ways and I hope you do not lose them.

I wish I could help.

Thinking of you.
I am sad to hear your Oscar is not well and wish him speedy recovery to allow you to rest.
Do not give yourself a hard time you care a lot for fish and perhaps someone may help you with your fish especially as your back is bad.

Look after No1 though ensure your seen by the Dr. and getting the correct treatment for yourself which will not mean lifting heavy buckets etc.
Have you a python and could someone else vaccum the tank? Invest in easier ways and I hope you do not lose them.

I wish I could help.

Thinking of you.

thanks, Oscars on the mend now.

I'm currently in physiotherapy for my back and showing good signs of improvement. We have a sort of DIY python so can do water changes without carrying loads of buckets around, it just so happened that during oscars treatment it broke so I had no choice but to use buckets for a day or so.

My other half Ian's quite good with helping with water changes really, we do share the chores, but he's been very poorly himself and also as he's a builder and we've had a DIY crisis with the bathroom it's been mostly his responsibility to get that sorted out while I've tended to the fish.

anyway everythings much better today, Ian's not poorly anymore (although I'm feeling rough now and am off the docs in a few minutes) we're picking up our new bath today so should have a useable bathroom in a couple of days time and Oscars definately on the mend.

Thankyou :)

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