Hmm, For Breeding...?


Apr 27, 2006
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Washington USA
Alright, so, my 10 gallon tank looks empty. Seeing as how the breeding pair we have currently are miniscule, I'm planting it which requires substrate, I was thinking sand so I had the thought, will the male be able to find the eggs/will the fry get stuck if I use sand when breeding? Gravel I can understand, but sand seems like it would be harder for the fry to shove themselves into. :p
At the moment it's not for breeding, the breeding pair are juveniles and they need to condition for a few monthes.
It's really up to you... if it were me I'd just leave it bare-bottomed anyway, because the bettas don't really care about substrate and it's kind of be a pain in the butt to get all of it out when it's breeding time (yes you really need it bare-bottomed when spawning).
Don't add anything! This is the voice of experience here! :D I had live plants planted in black sand substrate in my 10 gallon and I left it there when I put my betta pair in for spawning. It was a HUGE mistake. When the daddy would catch the eggs/fry and spit them back into the nest, sand came with them and popped the bubbles! He had a horrible time trying to keep up with the falling eggs/fry and rebuilding the nest. I'm not sure if the sand was a contributing factor, but that spawn ended up dying.

Bare bottomed tank is the best! I now use Java moss and elodia as the only live plants in my spawning tanks. I let the elodia float or sometimes twist it up in the java moss (if you clump enough java moss together, it stays on the bottom of the tank). I wanted a planted tank for my spawn, but the sand was a bad idea and I figured gravel wouldn't be much better so I gave up the dream and went with the bare minimum. :D

Hope that helps you decide what you want to do. :nod:
At the moment it's not for breeding, the breeding pair are juveniles and they need to condition for a few monthes.

Forget it man!!

Wjat anoob!!

You just haven't got a clue, have you??
If you want substrate you could probably rig up some system to take it out later, or you could just grow plants in pots or on wood/rocks where possible.
It would probably look un sightly but maybe a muslin cloth or something placed on the bottom of the tank. Then siliconed at each corner... then place small gravel on top? then you can just lift it out afterwards? dont think it would work with sand though :/


... okay, sorry, I'll stop doing that now. :p Maybe my initials are boyish, heh.

And wishyfishy, wtf is you problem? (excuse the chatspeak) Obviously you've never bred (well neither have I, but still...) or you would know that smacking a female and a male together will create = guts, blood, & if you look at it I'm sure gagging. :rolleyes:

Thanks also everyone for the advice. :) I don't know if I'll do it yet or not, can't seem to find decent sand so...

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