

New Member
Sep 24, 2006
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Manchester, UK
Hi All! :hi:

Whilst I'm not new to forums, I'm certainly new to this one! ;)

I have a couple of tanks, 13.5 Gallon Freshwater, housing a nice size goldfish... kids won at the fun fair couple of years ago and going strong! A Samurai Fighting Fish - Rescued from one of those cup things, been perfectly happy there for a while now, despite being told otherwise! And some small red tail fish the kids got a while ago, haven't a clue what they called, long forgot!

Also got a 4 Gallon Tropical Tank housing some nice Dwarf Gourami

My only major problem has been the children contaminating the water! (bunch of 5 year olds) They do love to help, but can get over excited!
Hi All! :hi:

Whilst I'm not new to forums, I'm certainly new to this one! ;)

I have a couple of tanks, 13.5 Gallon Freshwater, housing a nice size goldfish... kids won at the fun fair couple of years ago and going strong! A Samurai Fighting Fish - Rescued from one of those cup things, been perfectly happy there for a while now, despite being told otherwise! And some small red tail fish the kids got a while ago, haven't a clue what they called, long forgot!

Also got a 4 Gallon Tropical Tank housing some nice Dwarf Gourami

My only major problem has been the children contaminating the water! (bunch of 5 year olds) They do love to help, but can get over excited!

LOL, i know what u mean :) do u have a redtail catfish?
No, only started the tropical tank not too long ago.

My plan was to first get the large freshwater tank going, mainly to make sure I knew what I was doing, and to get the kids used to "not giving the fish a car to play with!"

Then move onto a tropical setup, I'd love to eventually have a cracking marine setup with clown fish and things like that.. yeah yeah.. Finding Nemo an' all that.. LOL
We've got the 3Gallon tropical now, which has been setup for about 3 weeks now, it's got 3 Dwarf Gourami's in it, the pic to the left.

What setup do you have?
It's one of those BioGlobe things, the Dwarf Gourami are quite a small fish, and I really haven't put much eye candy in there, I was told there would be plenty of room, they are the only fish in there. I've been going to this aquarium for a number of years, so do trust their advice, they do seem to care for the fish they sell, unlike a lot of places where they just want to make a sale.

If it looks like things a getting cramped then I'll most certainly get a bigger tank.
Actully it would be ok because they only get to 2" but i still recomend u to get a bigger tank that aint circle lol ;)
Noted :) Thanks for the tip!

Didn't want to go crazy on my first tropical set up, heard of so many ppl "diving" in feet first only to lose all their fish :S
Cool thanks, do you know much about marine setups?

I'm not doing it just yet, want to get a good idea of what is involved before I go down that route.. thnx

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