I found a partially decomposing human skull with a bit of hair and puffy white flesh lifting off the skull, in a plastic shopping bag in a pool of water I was catching fish in down south near Walpole.
I found a clean human skull and leg bone in a creek down south near Albany. A couple of years later I found the remains of a dead cow in the same creek but it was missing its back leg. Someone poached it, killed it and took its leg, leaving the rest to rot in the creek.
I found what appeared to be a child's skeleton, missing the legs and skull, in the bush a few meters in from a rest area on the side of the road on the outskirts of Armadale near the Glen Eagle rifle range. There was also a suitcase with women's and child's clothing in. And a small teddy bear. That still fuplies me up seeing that little bear.
Different time but same rest area and there was a car parked in the bush with fogged up windows. It was an older car and had the little triangle window in the front window. That was open a bit and flies were going in and out and you could smell the rotten body in it.
This tells me there are lots of sickos in my country and lots of bushland to dump bodies in and very few people will ever find them.