Historical note

Male dwarf rabbits are grumpy little turds too. They bite and kick and bite some more, and that is the domesticated pet rabbit. They should all be sterilised, too much testosterone in a small bunny.
Ours are Holland lops, which is a dwarf variety, but honestly they are just dolls! Our 2 bucks are named Happy and Yogi, and they are so patient and gentle with the females. The girls are feisty, stubborn, jerks when it comes time to breed them, they rip chunks of fur off the poor boys faces and lunge and bite us when we move them back to their cages. It’s just cause they get worked up, all the hormones, but the males hardly seem fazed. They do their job well that’s for sure. We move the girls back to their cages, and the males come running to us for pets and treats. The females have bit me, my mom, and my sisters, but the males have never even tried!
that's the opposite to what we had. the males were bloody horrible but the females would sook all over anyone who picked them up.
It happens to some of the most venomous and dangerous snakes in Australia.

Going back a few years and there was a farmer in Queensland (north eastern Australia) who kept finding dead taipans (snakes) on his property. The taipans were all missing their head. The farmer didn't know what to think of this and monitored it for a quite a while. One day he was out in the field and saw a commotion in the bushes. He slowly went over and took a look. He saw a group of wild rabbits kicking crap out of a snake. It turns out the rabbits had had enough of the snakes attacking them and their babies, and decided to fight back. The farmer watched as this group of rabbits beat the crap of out of this snake and then chew its head off. The head was carried away by one of the bunnies.

Just for reference, the Taipan is Australia's most dangerous snake and is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. It bites repeatedly and injects huge amounts of really poisonous venom, and it chases after things to bite them again. These things are seriously dangerous and are found along the east coast of Australia, across the northern half and into the desert regions. If you get bitten by one of these things and don't get immediate first aid and anti-venom, you are usually dead within 15 minutes.


Male dwarf rabbits are grumpy little turds too. They bite and kick and bite some more, and that is the domesticated pet rabbit. They should all be sterilised, too much testosterone in a small bunny.
I've heard of this before, and it makes me like rabbits a bit more.
that's the opposite to what we had. the males were bloody horrible but the females would sook all over anyone who picked them up.
That is so odd!!! Crazy. If ALL our rabbits were evil little turds I wouldn’t have them anymore lol :lol:
I should rename this thread: "Really weird ways people have gotten themselves killed." :lol: :lol:
There is a tv show called 1000 ways to die and is quite amusing in part. They find the most unusual ways people have died and do a 30 minute story on it. Most of them are ironic and some are hysterical.

A young lady had broken up with her boyfriend and threw his pet python outside into the snow because she hated it. She was inside and turned up the heat and began drinking and dancing. She died a few hours later from carbon monoxide poisoning because the snake had crawled back into the exhaust pipes in the house and stopped the air flow, thus allowing carbon monoxide to build up inside the house and kill her.

A guy was having an online affaire with someone who turned out to be another guy, but he didn't know that. His wife thought something was going on but didn't have the proof. One night the wife came home and found the hubby dead in the kitchen. He died from severe rectal trauma caused by the shock absorber in his computer chair shooting up his butt. Apparently the hubby was hopping up and down on his chair and the heat and friction caused the shock absorber to explode and fire upwards.

There are so many more and I used to wet myself laughing at the way people were killing themselves. I know that sounds horrible but just the situations were absurd and normal people wouldn't do things like that.

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