Hillstream Loaches


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Does anyone here keep hillstream loaches?

If so, how would I make them a species tank in a 26 gallon?

Does it have to be a species tank?

And what are their care needs?

A small pebble substrate.
Some hardy plants (they do not up-root)
Lots of bogwood/driftwood.
Lots of smooth rocks with a big surface area.
Make sure there are soem caves/hide aways (such as pots)

And that is just about it really.
Ensure the water stays at 18C+ and not over 26C.

Good luck in finding some, i have been looking for months, and no joy, eventough i always offer to pay very good money.
In fact, let me know if you ever come across any ;)
Wow emma you have no idea how lucky you are, i damn well wish they were half as common around here.

And yeap, i look in every tank, and normally ask the store assistant/manager.
what exactly do you feed them?
you don't feed them anything specific.
their main diet is microorganisums that live in the tank,on the glass etc
provide large flat or ounded surfaces for them to graze on.
they will scavenge any flake etc that they come accross too
will redily accept bloodworm, tubifex etc.

also, do you think instead of the sponge filter design, I could have a normal filter, and powerheads?
a normal filter and or powerhead would be better, as the need a very fast flow in the tank.
They do best in a sub-tropical tank set up rather than coldwater or tropical, they need a well oxygenated tank so powerful filtration is a must as they can often die slowly of oxygen starvation. Its good if you can grow algae for them as it supports the large bulk of their diet, you can keep them with other fish although there aern't a huge heap of sub tropical fish that are readily available- mainly various danio species, corys species like peppered corys and fish like weather loaches :) .
When at your lfs choosing them, go for the most active and fat ones as they can often get starved of both food and oxygen while in transport to the lfs and many to do not make it even if you get them back living to your tank and can die shortly afterwards.
In addition to what the wolf said mine also eat algae wafers, shrimp pellets, cucumber and basically any food that sinks that i feed the corys snails and shrimp. They are straight to the front at feeding time and will hog an entire food pellet while the corys try to push them off.

I have bog wood and rocks in the tank they spend most of their time on the glass or on the rocks or pebbles, occasionally on the sword plants but i have never seen them on the wood. They also change colour to blend with whatever thay are sat on, nearly black when on the juwel filter then a sandy colour when on the pebbles.

Emma :)

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