Hillstream Loach Advise Please


Aug 13, 2005
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London (UK)
Okay I have just bought a hillstream loach looks just like this but is white and balck rather than light brown and black.


He/she is in my 70Gal which has a good current with two Eheim 2026 External Filters. I'm very happy with it and would like more but have a few questions.....

First Question.
After reading more about these I have found out that they dont live very long in tanks with high temps, is this true ?
I have now got my temp set at 23oC is this okay ?

Second question.
I've just about got everything ready to set up my pressurised Co2 system however it appears these are very oxygen dependant and I just wondered if any one had any expericance with these while running Co2 in the same tank?
Hillstream Loaches, (there are many), are just that. Very high energy environment fish, mostly subtropical or higher altitude than the majority of trops. They have very high Oxygen demands as is fitting to their environment.

Typical tropical tanks are very unsuitable for them.

Adding CO2 does not reduce Oxygen. Oxygen is more soluable in water then CO2. Keeping CO2 in solution long enough for plants to use it is a problem, usually solved by keeping water movement to a minimum. This is pretty much the opposite of what a HL wants.
Here's a good article on some of the suggested parameters for keeping hillstreams (actually written by the same person who took the photo)


The website also has a photo of one of the streams that they found similar species in. I didn't see it immediately though. It's really amazing to look at.

Basically they come from VERY fast flowing streams. As a result they like cooler waters and high oxygenation.

Oxygenation will not be directly effected by CO2.

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