Okay I have just bought a hillstream loach looks just like this but is white and balck rather than light brown and black.
He/she is in my 70Gal which has a good current with two Eheim 2026 External Filters. I'm very happy with it and would like more but have a few questions.....
First Question.
After reading more about these I have found out that they dont live very long in tanks with high temps, is this true ?
I have now got my temp set at 23oC is this okay ?
Second question.
I've just about got everything ready to set up my pressurised Co2 system however it appears these are very oxygen dependant and I just wondered if any one had any expericance with these while running Co2 in the same tank?

He/she is in my 70Gal which has a good current with two Eheim 2026 External Filters. I'm very happy with it and would like more but have a few questions.....
First Question.
After reading more about these I have found out that they dont live very long in tanks with high temps, is this true ?
I have now got my temp set at 23oC is this okay ?
Second question.
I've just about got everything ready to set up my pressurised Co2 system however it appears these are very oxygen dependant and I just wondered if any one had any expericance with these while running Co2 in the same tank?