High Nitrite

do water changes everyday of about 25% if that does not work then there is a product you can buy called seachem prime its very concentrated and 5ml treats up 2 200litres ... you can buy it off ebay.

one question how long has the tank been running and what fish do you have
do water changes everyday of about 25% if that does not work then there is a product you can buy called seachem prime its very concentrated and 5ml treats up 2 200litres ... you can buy it off ebay.

one question how long has the tank been running and what fish do you have

since got the tank been 6mnths or so....

since last water change,,, week maybe....

fish in the tanks are ( Tank Is 110ltr )

x2 small-med angels Gold Veil Angel

x2 The Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami

x2Black Sailfin Molly

x1Lemon Cobra Guppy-- other 1 died :( 3mnths back

x12 Silver Tip Tetra

x1 nocturnal Trinidad Plecostomus at 10inch
ideally i would re-home the plec unless you are planning to upgrade as the tank is too small so that will be adding to the ammonia maybe re-home that and get a bristlnose plec which would be perfect in your tank.

just do water changes every other day at 20-25% then if that doesnt clear up get some seachem prime off ebay most you will pay is £10 for a bottle which will last you months it sorted my nitrite problem out within 12 hours of adding the seachem prime
With that amount of fish in your tank (am I guessing correctly that it's roughly a 3ft tank?) you will need to be doing water changes at least twice a week - and a gravel vac each week - to prevent ammonia and nitrite spikes happening.

Once a week isn't enough really with that level of stock. I have a 3ft tank with only 3 fish in it (largest is 4 inches) and I still do weekly 15% water change on it.

It's surprising how much toxic waste fish produce over the course of a week.

Anyway, don't panic, do as the others have said for now and your levels should return to normal pretty soon.

Regards - Athena
Thank you all,, i will crack down on the water changes,,

When i change 20% of the water would i have to add more of the bactiral liquide in or would there be sum left in the other 80% of the water to contribute to the new 20%? ,, ( i will be adding in the dechlorinate )

Thanks again
What are you using bacterial meds for at the moment?

Not sure if there's a general rule of thumb about the timing of water changes to adding medication and whether people add extra meds after doing water change... the way I've always done it is add the medication in the morning, then do a water change at night (so the fish have been exposed to the full dose all day long) and I don't add extra meds to the water at that time because they will get another dose again in the morning. Some may do it differently, but treatments have always worked with no problems for me doing it this way.

Regards - Athena

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