High Frequency Ringtones

will have to have a listen later as it does my mum's head in (starts moaning about damaging my ears etc)

I could hear right up to 19.8 though i really wish i couldnt, was like having a drill put through my ear drum :crazy: but thats not bad since i'm 30 and a construction worker. I've always had the odd abbilty to hear high frequency sounds, when i was younger the sound of bats used to almost drive me almost to tears when night fishing where there were a lot of them and recently i was driven nuts by a noise that no one else could hear while putting a fence up in a neighbours garden, turned out to be their cat/fox scarer which emited an ultra sonic peep noise when i eventually tracked the noise down.

ive just finished working at this church which there converting into a playschool.

at the back in a corner they have a secret garden. we where installing coloured lights/lights and they have this cat/fox scarer as well. im 18 and can hear it well

i had to stop what i was doing and let my boss finish off because of this scarer. i had a headache for the rest of the day and kept on hearing a hight pitched noise the day after. i was only working there for around 20 mins aswell.

i carnt imagine the kids in there/around it.
I can hear all of them but I am 13. I have the highest one on my phone and its funny when it rings in class and all the students turn around but the teacher keeps talking. :lol: :D


one of my college mates had it on there phone and played it in class on purpose. you could see the others looking round and the tutor didnt have a clue.

he also had a different pitch which the tutor could here he started to look out the window and asked us if we could hear anything. we said yes and it was very anoying so we got a 30 min break to hope it goes away. he soon caught on it was someone in the class but didnt find out who. ohh we didnt like him either lol
lol my ears stop at 12 oops. that said i knew i was a bit "mutton".

there was a shop around my area that was using these high sounds to discourage kids from congregating outside his shop. very effective it was too, till the council made him remove the system. seems it is seen as some form of infringement of their civil liberty's?????? oddly though the kids harassing and requesting adults to buy them alcohol and ciggies, both illegal, is ok.
I think I might be able to hear higher, but I don't think the computer is capable of playing them. I could always hear very high pitches notes, I can often walk past houses and tell if their TV's are on by the whistle - always been able to hear the TV come on in any room before it starts "speaking".

I can do that too. Here are my results:
22.4khz Heardnothing
21.1khz Heard a slight pop
19.8khz Very slight squeal
18.8khz Louder than 19.8
17.7khz Louder than 18.8
16.7khz Loud
15.8khz Listened with headset, listened without. No difference. Louder than 16.7
14.9khz Nearly the same as 15.8
14.1khz A little lower than 14.9
12khz Slightly painful.
10khz Noisy
8khz Not painful, irritating.

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