Hi There


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
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:good: to be here i hope there is some peops here that i can share my oddball rare fish with,i have a few tanks and my rare fish are as follows
corydoras lazer green x3
corydoras julli x7
corydoras pullcher x11
corydoras lastatusx6
corydoras garsausx2
red whip tail catfishx2
xiphophorus multilineatus 1 pair x young
hyphessobrycon taskei x 14 better known as coffee bean tetra
poecilocharax weitzmani or better known as black darta tetra
nannostomus espi x2
apistagrama elizabethi lost female one needed or a pair urgently if anyone can help.
corydoras wheitznami x4 if spelling isnt correct forgive me but cant find my fish book these are wild caught
also nanostamus maralina again cannot find my book forgive my spelling
i am also due pink endlers in next few weeks
i had a order for altum angels that came as scalar crosses so never purchased them if anyone can help me track true altum down would be gratefull.
i am very proud of all my stock took a long time and lots of care to keep them i have a few rare snails shrimps etc also but hey thats enough about me for know and thankyou
:hi: to the forum.
What a selection you have there!
How many tanks have you got?
i large show tank 3 small tanks and building a fish house sometime this year
Hope to see pics, especially of the fish house when it's finished. :good:

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