Hi Need Help Desperatly.

Sorry, just read this and had to respond. I had quite a few problems in my tank about a month or so ago and Wilder really helped me. In fact, I even saved a couple of my fish with her help and WITHOUT melafix or pimafix.

One of my platy's had the start of dropsy and Wilder suggested a simple salt bath. It worked and the platy is alive and well as I speak.

I have also learnt a lot about fish diseases from reading posts where Wilder has helped and posted links.

Without Wilder on this forum a lot more people would have dead fish and would not know what had happened. She does not only offer advice but compassion as well, as it can be quite upsetting especially when it is your fav fish that is sick. She spends a lot of her time helping people here when she doesn't have to.

Keep up the good work Wilder, I know a lot of people here really appreciate it! (I know I do) :D
Thanks bex so kind of you, yes fox this is a lovely site with nice members on here.
Oh ginge this is what you meant by a few problems. :( Sorry to hear about your fish, what a rotten start. How are they today?
Right update.
Well after buying 14 harlequins on tuesday and now 11 of them being dead.
Today (my day off) i go up to the FLS with a water sample hoping for a refund.
I had already tested the water using my API and Hagen test kit and gained the same results and it was Ammmonia=0 Nitrite=0 Nitrate=40 PH=7. So when he tests it it comes up Ammonia=0 Nitrate=100 Nitrite=0.25 and tells me i am overfeeding, when i feed 1 pinch of food every other day and an algea tab here and there for the plecs and he tells me to do a 20% water change he also says 100ppm or nitrate will kill any fish in hours.
The test kit he used were little strips of paper(the ####tyy ones).
So then i think to myself how come the other fish arent dead then?
And i ask him the best he can come up with is "you are lucky" this question clearly stumped him and he hesitated.

So i am now very angry and £25 worth of fish down? What do i do? And also i know for a fact that the problem was mouth rot (thanks to you lot) and luckily i have treated for it and have 3 survivors. Also is it not suspicious that out of all the fish puschased on tuesday, the harlequins (from the same tank) and all the other fish all from different tanks the harlequins are the only ones with problems?
Hi Ginge, I'm sorry for all the problems you are having, that's rough :no: Have you thought about isolating the harleys away from the angels to stop it spreading more? I guess if some have it then its kind of avoidable that it will spread..........I really hope you have caught it early enough and you manage to save the rest :/
bummer sorry I didn't see how many you had lost :blush: Sorry, what a disappointment for you :(
Right he definately lying if you have liquid test kit, as them strips ones are not accurate, he's trying to get out of it, right get some some neighbours in the house if you can and test the water infront of them write the readings down on paper then ask them to sign it, if your water stats are as bad as he say they shouldn't of altered to much.
Only thing i can think of is the fact that it take 20mins to drive to the LFS wiht a cup of water full of tankwater surly the water stats would change alot on the way therefore making water testing useless???
I meant to get people into the house while you tested and they watched you then signed the paper with the results on, or you could phone the lfs and demand that he came to your house and he watch while you preform the test, he dosn't want to replace the fish or give you your money back, did you check the harlequins in the store.
Yes i understood you completly. I did check but its irrelivant as the do dead checks every 30mins and it could have been a completly differnt batch of fish from last week.
Don't go back they don't sound like a nice lfs, sorry.

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