Hi, My Name Is Pete


New Member
Feb 13, 2006
Reaction score
London, ON, CANADA
Hi there,

I'm new so I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Pete and I've always been interested in this hobby. I live in an apartment now so I can't have an aquarium but when I lived at home when I was younger I had two.

Fish I've kept include many different livebearers, an Oscar, Tinfoil Barbs, small characins, Gouramis, and Pirhanas.

I guess my most memorable fish story from my experience (other than the Pirhanas which were awesome) would be the time I had a Rainbow Shark that liked to swim against the outlet of my power filter. He would swim fiercely against the waterfall and jump up into the filter where he would maintain his position against the currents until he relaxed and let himself fall out of the filter back into the tank. Sometimes I'd see him do it once every few days and sometimes he'd do it four or five times in a row. I used to lay in bed falling asleep while I heard the "splatter-splatter" of him jumping into the filter, then the "plop" a minute or two later as he fell out.

I can't think of anything more enjoyable than watching your fish swim around happily in the community that you've created for them.

I work in research for the Canadian Federal Government and I have an in-depth knowledge of water quality, testing, and maintenance as well as the nitrogen cycle and various other aspects of this hobby.

I look forward to helping this forum in these areas while I read through all the helpful information here in preparation for the time when I can have aquariums again and really get into the hobby serously as an adult now.

Thanks for making me feel welcome :D
Hi mate, welcome, I've just joined myself! I look forward to learning from your wisdom B)
Hello And Welcome. You Can Learn Pretty Much Anything About Fish From This Site, So Have A Good Luck Round And Maybe You Can Help Newb's Too!

C Ya Round
Hi Pete
Welcome to the forums
Must be a downer not being able to keep any fish at the minute :/
Hey Pete!

Im in similar cirmcamstances! altho its not down to where i live but because ive just moved countries and have money restrictions, until i find employment that is! then i shall be aquiring myself a great tank once again!


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