Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

in the pics the goby looks very much like a jaw fish to me
Thanks Harry, the lad seems to be settling in much better now (thank god)

Bae, It's a YWG alright but I don't think he and the pistol shrimp have been aquainted yet and even if they do meet up there's no guarantee that they will pair up, I'm hoping they do though.

Anyway, the Pistol shrimp came out from under a rock briefly today, the kids were well impressed :D

The YWG still has very little colour and generally looks lost, fingers crossed he will be ok.

I'm looking out for a Nano Cube 28g HQI again so that I can keep a similar sized tank and keep SPS corals.
Ok so we had a strange event on Saturday, I woke up to find that the Pistol Shrimp and my (faded) yellow watchman Goby had struck up their symbiotic partnership. It was great, the shrimp was beavering around cleaning their cave and the YWG was sat keeping watch, I tried to get a pic but every time I went near the tank the Shrimp darted back in the cave

Anyway, I had hoped it would happen as the YWG has never looked very settled and the Carpenter Wrasse does like to have a little dig at the Goby just to make him feel even less welcome :grr:

So I wake up on Sunday morning and the YWG and the Pistol Shrimp are no longer together, maybe the Goby had wind or something, I don't know but for whatever reason the partnership has been terminated and they have chosen to go their seperate ways :sad: luckily there were no children involved so the CSA have no part to play in this sordid affair phewww......

Also, I am now looking for a RSM130 to replace my Betta as the missus prefers the look of the RSM and they are reasonably priced second hand, there's no way I would buy one new however. I think nearly £700 for a 130L tank is verging on the rediculous, I just hope that the 110w of T5 Compacts are enough for SPS corals -_-
lol looking at upgrades already :)

Don't worry about the shrimp and goby, they my still pair up yet. I believe (not 100% sure as I haven't kept them) that even when paired the goby will sometimes go for a wander around by itself.

The RSM is a nice looking tank. I have seen a few with SPS kept in them, not sure if that was with the standard lighting or with a couple of extra T5's crammed in though.

Sorry to hear about your son, had similar problems in the past with our oldest. Hope it gets sorted out.
lol looking at upgrades already :)

Don't worry about the shrimp and goby, they my still pair up yet. I believe (not 100% sure as I haven't kept them) that even when paired the goby will sometimes go for a wander around by itself.

The RSM is a nice looking tank. I have seen a few with SPS kept in them, not sure if that was with the standard lighting or with a couple of extra T5's crammed in though.

Sorry to hear about your son, had similar problems in the past with our oldest. Hope it gets sorted out.

Thanks Barney

There's not much I can do about the Shrimp and Goby but leave them to their own devices and see if they can resolve their issues :D

With the RSM, I believe that folks have kept Monti's and Acro's in them successfully with standard lighting but I'm going to do a web search and see whats what but yeah and upgrade would be lovely, where will it end though???

With regards to my son, everything is quiet again now and he's settling into school ok, I just wish it hadn't happened when it did but what is done is done
where will it end though???

lol it doesn't :) no matter how big or how high tech a system you have there will always be a bigger tank or some new gadget you will want to get :)

I think you might be right Barney, It truely is an addiction, I remember reading Seffie and Trods journals with the Orca 130 tanks and look where they are now :D

I'll have to sell the sofa if I want to get a 5x3x2 in the lounge :lol:
I'll have to sell the sofa if I want to get a 5x3x2 in the lounge :lol:

lol Sofa's are so last year anyway. Beanbags are all the rage now :)

I have done the same thing. Started off with the orca 450 (58l) then converted a 30g to marine then got a 100g and currently have a 100g and a 30g cube running. I would love to set up a seahorse tank and a peacock mantis tank but don't really have space for them at the moment.
I'll have to sell the sofa if I want to get a 5x3x2 in the lounge :lol:

lol Sofa's are so last year anyway. Beanbags are all the rage now :)

:lol: :lol: :lol: I will suggest that to the wife

The main problem (aside from cash) is that the missus likes the look of the Red Sea Max 130 but she honestly thinks it will be too big! and that's a 2 foot tank :rolleyes:

Although she has purchased her first coral today, She picked a Nephthea tree coral when we went to a new local Marine shop, Marine Aquatics in Burntwood. I am making an effort to get her involved and obviously she won't be able to resist the bean bag idea :good:
Here is the Nephthea tree coral. I placed it by my Bubble coral but they were very,very close once the tree coral opened out so I've had to move it over a bit. Anyhoo please see the pics below of when I had it near the Bubble coral:



I get a pic of it fully extended hopefully tomorrow :)
I'm really liking this journal but sorry only had a quick read through it well more like taken a look through the pictures to see where your at ;) I would look through it all but not now as its past 3 in the morning!!
Believe me you will wake up one morning and find a random 5ft tank and you will be thinking did I really buy this :unsure: :lol: I never got that far yet only my first small 60lt nano thats needs stocking up still, but looking at my rio 125 full of cichlids thinking how many cichlids will I need to exchange for credit to afford some more live rock lol..

Your tanks looking great and hopefully I would have read it all by tomorrow, still keep the updates coming..more for me to catchup.
That's for the kind comments didz04, Have you made a journal for your tank at all?

And speaking of 5ft's I'm pretty sure that both Seffie (Whats happened to Seffie???) and Trod both went from 130L Nano's to 5ft tanks or there abouts, I would highly recommend you read both of their journals, they are a brilliant read, just make sure you make a coffee and find a comfy chair because your in for the long haul, I think Seffies thread is nigh on 50 pages, you will be engrosed in it though :)

I'm planning another trip to the LFS I visitted yesterday and any additions to the tank will be catalogued on here :good:
I'm here, just been a very long week at the chalk face! And thanks for the compliments as well :blush: as you rightly said, both Trod and I jumped into five footers from our Nanos :good:

Seffie x
I'm here, just been a very long week at the chalk face! And thanks for the compliments as well :blush: as you rightly said, both Trod and I jumped into five footers from our Nanos :good:

Seffie x

Great to see you back on board Seffie, now it's the weekend you can just relax with your bottle of choice :good:

Have you got any recent pics of yours at all? Here's me struggling to get a 2 footer in our house :/
Hi folks, Hope you are all well.

It's been a while since my last confession but there's not been much to report, Until today that is :D I now own a Red sea Max 130 :D :D :D

I will do a new journal once I've transfered the stock over from the Betta Nano, which will be sometime next week, as I'm stocking up on RO at the moment and leak/equipment testing the RSM tonight

Simonas, How's that chaeto coming along?

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