Hi My First Post


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Essex, Thurrock
hi this is my first post here i have been a watcher for some time now and decided to stop hiding.
im not a novice when it comes to fish keeping but i am far from where i would like to be.
my population are
2 synodontis
3 neon tetras
6 glowlight tetras
2 kribs
and a rescued pengasius
and my late common pleco R.I.P.

without further ado my babies.

Left side

Right side

FTS lights on

FTS twlight on

my syno


my krib's "krib" also known as the love shack, the male is on the bottom right

My female

neons and glowlights

My poor rescude peng, he was rescued as part of a pair but his partner didnt last the journy home unfortunally, he was in much
worse state when i first saved him


my recently deceased pleco :unsure:





Oh and i cant forget these guys my I.T. crowd

Hi 5teve-0, not sure if you realise but your Pangasius has the potential to become a 3 foot tankbuster, These are super large fish that really should not be sold for general aquaria, Also your synodontis are eupterus or featherfins and so will get to around 8".

I feel i also must say that your coldwater tank looks fairly overstocked
im aware that the peng will get huge im just keeping him till i can find a better home for him, the guy i got him and his partner from basically got them because "it's cool to have sharks" he was also looking into getting some piranahas after laughing at him and netting the poor peng from a tank not much bigger them my cold water tank i called his LFS and told them not to sell him anymore.

i have had the syno scince fry and hopefully should have my 6x4x4 setup withen the next few months. i planned well ahead with those two.

the cold tank has a mirrored back there are only 5 fish in there.
Charming fish :wub:

But I'm seriously concerend about the Pangasius :unsure:
This is why;

- Genesis
thanks for all the comments.

just to put peoples minds at rest the peng will be propperly re-homed, i was debating about keeping him for a while he shold be ok for a while especially when i get the 6x5x4 all set up.
thanks for all the comments.

just to put peoples minds at rest the peng will be propperly re-homed, i was debating about keeping him for a while he shold be ok for a while especially when i get the 6x5x4 all set up.

You could do with maybe double 6x5x4. At least.
lol, im gonna re-home him soon, just to add the rocky patch at the back of my current tank is gonna get some plant life tomorrow i been meaning to do it for about a week now.
also off topic originally i had 3 kribs 2 female and the 1 male one of the females started haning around the top of my filter, i assumed she was being bullied by the others and unfortunally died before i could move her to another tank, the remaning 2 keep doing the wiggle dance to each other and taking it in turns to swim in and out of the "love shack" this goes on for about a min or so then they go their seperate ways?? im really hoping they pair up i would love for them to have babys but the way they are acting towards each other i dont think they are intrested in babys just flirting.
got my plants and some sand, my original setup was mainly to accomodate for my pleco but now he has gone it's time to move on so i have completley remodled my setup to accomodate for all my babys.

im still waiting for the water to settle down as soon as it does i will get some pics up.

oh and i spoke to my local sealife center today and told them about the peng i rescued which by the way was talking to me when i netted it today, they told me to keep it untill it needed to be re-homed and then give them a call they would happly take it. :good:
Even if your coldwater tank 'only' has 5 fish in it, it's still massively overstocked. Goldfish need 20g for the first and 10g for every subsequent fish in order to live healthily.

There are plenty of pinned topics on this in the coldwater section, you might want to think about finding a pond for them.
here are the pics of my remodled tank. i have gone for a sand/gravel mixture and added some realy nice plant life, apart from that just made a load of new hiding places. i will let the pics do the talking.

sand/gravel i didnt think it would work but it turned out ok the krib love their little sand pit.








FTS with plant grow and natural light on


FTS twilight


My kribs are much more happy now they got some sand to play with


they are still just flirting with eachother fingers crossed they will pair up.
It's good you are re-homing the shark, and the goldfish need to go also, they all look like they aren't getting enough oxygen either.

A bunch of those plants in their don't look aquatic, might want to list off the plants you got.
all the plants i assumed was aquatic as for names they are

Elodea densa


Vallisneria gigantea

Hygrophila corymbosa

2x Echinodorus bleheri

as for the gold fish my eldest daughter has been bugging me for a tank for a while so im gonna set her up with a 4ft tank and move them to there.
all the plants i assumed was aquatic as for names they are
Sorry mate, fraid not, LFS very comomonly sell non-aquatics. It's a real pain, and it often put's people off plants when they never have any success with them :(.

Bamboo isnt aquatic anyway, but what I think you are referring to here is the two non-aquatic Dracaena sanderiana plants in there. This species is usually sold as 'lucky bamboo' as basically stems (which do look like bamboo) with just thier roots submerged in garden centers, but I dont know why the LFS has called it bamboo here :fun: .

The Echinodorus bleheri look non-aquatic because they are currently growing in thier emerged form. As such, you may find the leaves of this one get algae on them and die back, but new different looking aquatic leaves should grow after a while :good:.

Other than that the tank looks brilliant now, I really like the night lighting too - I keep saying I need it on my tank but have never got round to it yet :rolleyes:.

as for the gold fish my eldest daughter has been bugging me for a tank for a while so im gonna set her up with a 4ft tank and move them to there.
Good idea. The thing is with goldfish is that they are just domesticated carp, they easily have the potential to reach over a foot, and are very messy fish.
The reason you never see this in tanks (though you do in ponds), is basically that they can be 'stunted', and this happens nearly all the time in small tanks. Stunting is very bad for the fish however, and IMO is really not acceptable to do if you are aware that it happens. This post (the quote from Neale Monks) explains it well: how to stunt.
You will certainly benefit from a bigger external filter on the 4ft goldfish tank, preferbly rated for something bigger than a 4ft and filled with as much biological filteration media as possible :).

Oh, and well done finding a home for the pang, he's lovely but...yeah...big :lol: .
I'd like to see the tank the sealife place are going to put him in though, it must be quite a sight!
picking up the 4ft tomorrow the guy i got it from has kindly given me 2 fluval 3 filters they should be enough to keep the tank clean.
i stopped off at the LFS today to get some new media, gravel, bacterlife, and myaxazin and ended up getting 2 new editions to my little family

my sliver and black angel


and my first ever clown loach, i got a bit of a snail problem and i always wanted a clown loach so i thought i could kill 2 birds with one stone


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