Hi Guys


Ohai dere c:
Apr 4, 2011
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i am thinking of taking a run over to the salty side but i don't know what i would need, i know that you need a tank with a sump and you cant have a normal filter but thats about is i'm afraid.

Could you give me a list of your items and also tell me why a standard internal powerfilter is not applicable in this case.


Hi, You dont need a sump or a filter for a marine tank as the live rock is the biological filter. What you might need tho is a protien skimmer as this will take care of the mechanical filtration and on the chemical side you could use a filter to house phosphate remover and/or carbon.

If you check out the journels and the pinned resource threads they are packed full of the vital info needed for setting up and maintaining a marine tank.

Well it nice and warm and salty over here - jump on in :good:

Most of us use live rock as our filter - we consider it to be the heart and lungs of our tanks.

Take a wander over to the journel section and the rescource centre, read loads and ask questions, we are very happy to help

Seffie x
i am thinking of taking a run over to the salty side but i don't know what i would need, i know that you need a tank with a sump and you cant have a normal filter but thats about is i'm afraid.

Could you give me a list of your items and also tell me why a standard internal powerfilter is not applicable in this case.


your a very brave guy hehe :good:
Marine is easy!! I went straight in and was fine!!
Maybe not easy but anyone can do it!! It's not as hard as everyone makes out, especially with this kind people on here!!
+1 on it being easy and not as hard as it is made out to be. Ive found the only hard thing is when acclimising setting the drip at the right amount of drips which is what ive just been trying to do on my coral.
Maybe not easy but anyone can do it!! It's not as hard as everyone makes out, especially with this kind people on here!!
you actually make alot of sense saying that.

there a alot of very knowledgable people on here.
have you got any pictures of your marine aqaurium?

what fish have you got? :wub:
Take a run over to the journel section and have a little looksee.......... :good:

Here's my photo journal.. Full of pictures..

See what you think. Seriously it's easier than u think and you'd be fine.. I assure you!
yh, i'd have no problem once i get clearence form my parents for it lol! they always say no!

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