Hi Guys What Plant?


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2009
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Hi guys i am setting up a 7g betta tank what plants should i get? only the betta i might add shrimp but for now only bettas

Depends the type of lighting you will be using and if you will be dosing the tank with anything. Also shrimps do not do so well with betta's except a few of the larger ones like amano shrimp. So let us know what you have first :)
i was incorrect about the tank size it is a 10g!!! im pretty happy about that and i might not get a betta.
I have found a few particular plant species to be really hardy, even in low tank lighting. Elodea Densa, Vallis Spiralis, Anubias, Java Moss Balls and Hornwort are some of my favourites, and I have had them in all of my tanks at some point (they are all widely available). My favourite is probably the twisted Vallis, it looks nice when kept in sections together and I would highly recommend it!
yes I agree Vallis, elodea, java moss, java fern, amazon sword, anubias, camomba, and baby tears
My betta's love to rest on the leaves of Amazon Sword, especially if they are at the waters surface.

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