Hi All New To Site And Heres My Tank!

Just a word of caution, the anti-siphon hole you have, I'd be wary of detritus building up or snail or shrimp blocking the hole just at the wrong time. I would make the outlet just below/on the surface of the water so if there is a power cut the sump can take the overflow. That may be just me being over cautious, worth thinking about tho as equipment/valves/holes can always go wrong.

Looking good, Looks like you've taken time to do it all properly, so hope it's all working out!

thanks for the caution! and thanks for the wicked input. The tank is doing excellent!

My stock is

2 x percula clowns
1 x Regal tang
2 x chromis
1 x Red head fairy wrassw
2 x blue legs
4 x red legs
10 turbos

I really do think the chances of it happening are quite slim, But worth noting I suppose!! the snails would have to be good jumpers to get onto the pipe tho as they literally are just in the water not touching anything?

I turned sump off today as I did a 25% water change tonight and just took a look for muck detrius build up and they are fine!

Here a couple of pics tonight!




I'm thinking of blocking light from spilling down into weir? suppose it dont make no odds?

What you peeps think to the aqua scaping?

Dont forget I still got 6.5 kgs of LR still to add from my nano, Trying to get the valley look with plenty of ledges and caves?
looks good!! :p little tang and aquascapings coming along nicely much better thought out then my dump in and leave appraoch!
what would you say maximum fish I could keep? its 4 ft x 2ft x 2ft?

I wanna get a flame angel , a two spot goby and I not sure if I could keep more? oh and I got a domino I gonna try and add in too?

Shibby you in work tomorrow?
i recon u could keep more in a tank that size, thats only 9 combined. and you have a sump and all.

nah im in work on saturday and sunday. all i do now ive decieded to go back to college! richard n phil will be in tomorow, so good luck if you go in!!! have a gander though i think some imports will be in there i think they arrived early this week dunno!

flame angels are beautiful :p
ah shoot! missus was gonna go in and get that stuff for the wrasse!

I really want a mandarin! but I gonna wait I gonna get my flame angel and goby then I gonna buy some corals!
ooo, do your research (i probably dont need to say this but just in case) and let your tank mature before you consider a mandarin.....
that isnt a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank just looks wise but earlier you said its volume was 200 ltrs 4x2x2 are about 400 ltrs...
do you mean lights in sump on at night and lights on main tank in day?

that is what I do

I have 4 timers

1 for sump T8's
1 for Light cooling fans
2 for T'5s in hood!

I think thats what you mean?
yeah, refugium lights on at night, off during the day, tank lights on during day off at night.
yeah I read somewhere it helps get a better PH balance? how true that is I dont know but it sounded good!

Lights are on in picture because the sump comes on about half hour before mains go off! and the one set of mains go off about 15 minutes before others and fans go off 15 minutes after lights gone out!

I dont know why it just made more sense this way

My mains are on 10 am till 9 pm and sump is 8.30pm-9am
Hi all just wanted to do a little update

So I sick of my nano! It needs a good clean as some gravel keeps blocking pump and skimmer stops working, so I decided to go for it!


ok so it went swimmingly!!! ( :hyper: )

I emptied LR into tank! caught my cleaner shrimp, put him over no trouble with acclimatising really as the water is from this tank anyway! got my DOMINO DAMSEL, moved him into new tank! few hours later him and my tang were chasing each other like best pals!!! I really couldnt beleive it!! so I moved my malu over too!

but then DISASTER (inevitable really) the domino started bullying my chromis! So I thought sod this he's going!!

2 hours later and nothing in my tank except stock and nem! I caught him, straight down LFS here have him!!

So I did some aquascaping but not by choice!



I kept same idea of the valley in the middle but I have made more caves to hide and more ledges and gaps for corals!



Hope you all like!

Saving up now (spent too much lately) for when I come back from my holiday, to buy lots of corals! any suggestions?? LOTS of colour I reckon!!


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