heya :D


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
hi, i was just given a 10 gallon tank, it's been empty and running for about a week now, and i decided to get 3 zebra danios from walmart as starter fish (looks like 1 female, 2 males).

planning on getting some bettas & tetras as well.

I also have a 5 gallon tank on standby.

I plan to add the tetras and some plants into the tank in about a month or so.

Any other starter fish recommendations would be soooooo greatly appreciated :D
Hi and :hi: to the forum, rcole82!

Danios and white clouds are both very hardy fish that many aquarists have used as starter fish. Many of us here at TFF use the "fishless" cycling method. You can read more about fishless cycling in the pinned topics in the Beginner Section, here.

HTH and good luck with your tanks :thumbs:
thanx cutechic,

i'm a total newbie at this whole aquarium thing, but i'm totally into it. My poor bf, i think i've dragged him to every pet store and aquarium related store within a 50 mile radius the past week :p
^ thanx for the welcome :D i never realized how much of a tight knitted community fish owners were, and soooooo helpful too, they approach you in the aisle and start talking to you out of nowhere, i've gotten more help from strangers than actual pet store employees :nod:
Hey and welcome to the site!

Good luck setting up your new tank, I am sure people will be happy to answer your questions in the Beginner and Chit Chat sections :)

:fish: ~Dana~ :fish:
Hey there,
Welcome to the FORUm!

I am sure you will enjoy it and get all the answers you are looking for.

Your danios will do a fine job of cycling the tank. Just make sure you don't add anymore fish untill your readings are at 0 (amonia and nitrite).

And even after that, add them slowly.

again, thanx for the welcome people. :D Today was supposed to be a day where i wasn't supposed to focus on fish, sure enough i wake up and my bf has bought me two beautiful white/pink/purple female bettas, i was kinda mad at first cuz i had to break the no new fish for a week rule & the tank is practically new :unsure: , but i quickly had to forgive him as he got the fishies in my fave color :p
:hi: to the forum.

Just some tips I'd like to give you:

Don't buy fish from Walmart. :no: They don't take good care of their fish. It's best to find a reputable lfs and buy fish from that one store. if you choose to stick with Walmart. oh well.

The beginner section is a good place for your questions and to read up on cycling.

You should try getting the biggest tanks you can afford and house. Small tanks change in temperature, water quality, etc. really quickly, and the fish need a tank where the water quality stays constant. Plus, you can't put very many fish in the 5 or even the 10 gallon, I know. :/
However, your tanks aren't bad, even though I may appear to be saying that. it's a good size to start off with and to get into the hobby before you go crazy buying other tanks and fish. :D

Read up on bettas and tetras and any other fish you get beforehand. This way you'll be able to pick out healthy stock and betterprovide for them.

I hope you like it here and that you join our school.

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