heya :D

^ yeah i know the tanks are small, but i live with my parents, my bedroom is literally the size of a shoebox, lol. I was originally only going use the 5gal, but i quickly got caught up in the world of aquariums and i managed to get an alright deal on a secondhand 10 gal. :D Now i'm thinking about setting up my 5gal (I'm thinking of purchasing two more female danios and moving them out of the 10gal cuz the one in there is acting like she's the queen bee, :p ) but i need to find equipment first (I'm so poor right now, lol, school starts up in a week, damn tuition :X ) eventually when i move out i'd like to still have the two mini freshwater aquariums, but i'd like to also have gi-normous freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

I bought my fish from walmart because when compared to the local petcetera, there aquarium conditions appeared to be way more satisfactory. I've also found a LFS that appears to have excellent fish but i've only been in there once, i need to go in a few more times to observe their fishies.

Thanx alot for the advice, and i'm enjoying being a member of the forum, Everyone here is great :)
I think i'm sick in the head, lol...............we went to go check out another local LFS and i bought another 10gal tank cuz it was onsale for like 10 bux, i also found a place that sold white male bettas for 1.99 i was so tempted to buy one but i don't have proper housing for the poor guy yet :( The best thing about this new LFS is that there was a home depot type store within walking distance so we bought the tank, walked across the street with the tank in hand, had some wood cut for us to make a new hood, bought some nails and whatnot, all together it cost me less than 15 bux. <<sigh>> i'm such an aquarium obsessed dork, lol :p
HI there I'm a new member. I hvae allot of tanks and have herd about this. I just got a chance to check it out.

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