

New Member
Jun 30, 2006
Reaction score
Fort Wayne, IN, USA
Hey all! I'm just getting started all around. I just bought my first tank, a used 75 gallon bowfront with a Wet/Dry filter and have been told I got a pretty good deal. It comes with some rather large fish and I'm hoping I can keep them alive through the move :unsure:. I'm getting a lot of help locally so that helps, although some of the advice often conflicts. I hope I can get some good, somewhat clear answers here.

Thanks in advance for all the help I am sure to find here. I am pretty anxious to get started, though I have another couple of weeks before I can complete the move. I am sure I will enjoy it when it is done.

Welcome to the forums Brian!
Its best to find multiple opinions as some/most stores give vague info that often isn't best for the fish, especially when it comes to compatibility. What fish did come with the tank? Do you have a pictures of the setup?
I have not taken possession of the tank or fish yet and I am planning to paint the destination room before moving them in. There are some timing issues I'm trying to work out with that. I'm currently planning to borrow a 40g to temporarily (4-5 days) house the fish along with the bio-media from the wet/dry. I am, of course, going to be housing them in a separate room from the painting until the day after the painting is finished.

As far as fish, I don't remember them all, but I think there are about 5-7 fairly large fish. The biggest is a black shark about 6+ inches (?). There was also some good sized cichlids including an angelfish. Honestly I don't remember what else there was.
better ask in the tropical chit chat section about stocking e.t.c.

I will be I'm sure. First off, I just hope to get them safely moved, then I will figure out what I want to do with them. I am certain not to keep most of the for too long of a term, but I decided I didn't want to see them just given away to the LFS either. Maybe I will find a friend or relative who would like one of them or maybe be able to sell them. Have to wait and see.

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