Hey There- Newbie From Ny


New Member
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
New York City
Hey everyone,

My name is Rose, I have 20 years of fishkeeping in my background-even worked in an aquarium for 4 years handling some of their stock. But I wanted to introduced myself to everyone. I currently have 1 empty 70 gallon tank- and currently runing my 55 gallon tank with 3 quarter sized Marble angels, 1 Koi angel (half dollar sized), 5 neons, 3 cherry barbs and a sponge filter. Im thinking once the angels grow a bit and pair off i may dabble in breeding. I get all my angels from clean lines of breeders. Its been 3 years since i've had angels :). Its nice to be back into the angel fishkeeping.

Im glad to find a forum like this :) Nice to meet you all
Welcome to TFF! That 70 would work nice for growing out angel fry, I've kept multiple breeding pairs in a 55 before, so you have that end covered.
Welcome to the forum. im also from NY. Enjoy your stay here :)
lol thank you all for the warm welcome and tolak great advice :) i guess the 70 shall be my fry tank then..
Loraxchick yay a fellow NY resident.. :) always nice to meent New People
Well, hello and welcome to another New Yorker! :hi: I'll be looking forward to following your breeding posts. Do you belong to any of the aquarium societies, by any chance?
Hey everyone,

My name is Rose, I have 20 years of fishkeeping in my background-even worked in an aquarium for 4 years handling some of their stock. But I wanted to introduced myself to everyone. I currently have 1 empty 70 gallon tank- and currently runing my 55 gallon tank with 3 quarter sized Marble angels, 1 Koi angel (half dollar sized), 5 neons, 3 cherry barbs and a sponge filter. Im thinking once the angels grow a bit and pair off i may dabble in breeding. I get all my angels from clean lines of breeders. Its been 3 years since i've had angels :). Its nice to be back into the angel fishkeeping.

Im glad to find a forum like this :) Nice to meet you all

Looking forward to reading some of your expertise around the forum.

:hi: to the forum!

i used to be apart of the Eerie Aquarium society, but decided to head off of there.. Id actually like to start my own fish club one day :)

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